What content can't Amazon video have? What to pay attention to weight loss products


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

What content can't Amazon video of cross-border e-commerce logistics have? What to pay attention to weight loss products

stayAmazon product videoMany of the contents are subject to restrictions. such asAmazon Customer Comments, ifAmazon SellerIf you want to mention comments, they are left within one year.

Blue Ocean Yiguan has learned that,Amazon VideoThere are also many content limitations. Here are some examples.

IAmazonvideoCan't have anything?

oneNoInclude nudity, sexual suggestive content or provocative imagesSuch as a model's exposed posture, or portray pornography or sexual behavior

twoNoInclude any web linksURLorCTA, guide customers to leave the productdetailsPage.

threeCan't cheatFalsificationMislead or impersonate someone or a brand.

fourNoImplies unauthorized endorsements or refers to specific celebrities in any way, unless the brand has received official endorsements from these celebrities.  

fiveNoTransfer the audience toAmazonAttention. For example, visitors cannot be guided to an external website.

sixNoInvade othersintellectual property rightOr other rights. For example, unlesssellerHave obtained all the licenses from the relevant third party, otherwise do not play music in the videouseImages, works of art or other audio-visual works. Without the permission of the brand owner,sellerIt should alsoAvoid wearing obvious brandslogoClothes, jewelry or accessories

sevenNoDisclose personal or private information,NeitherAsk the viewer to do this.

eightNoShowing emotional exploitation, controversy, impact or emotions that may cause audience pain.

nineSociety is insensitive. For example, do not use phrases that are discriminatory, sexist or racist. Do not participate in discussions involving politics or other sensitive topics, such as scandals, reproductive rights, guns, etc.

10. CannotContains dirtVulgar obscene language.

11. NoHave obscenity, filthiness, vulgarity, slander, abuse, harassment, invasion of others' privacy or other illegal acts.

12. NoEndanger the safety of oneself or others.

13. Cannot includeThreaten, encourage or portray violenceAnd textImage.

14. CannotEncourage antisocial orcauseHateful behavior. For example, do not encourage indoor skateboarding or smoking on public transport.

15. CannotDisturbs or attempts to interfere with navigation on the page.

16. Cannot includeAny information about transportation details.

17. SellerOnly uploadstayProduct videos sold on Amazon's website.

IIAmazon Alcohol andWhat to pay attention to in the video of weight loss products

1. AlcoholRelated products

All products produced by alcohol manufacturers or distributors are strictly prohibitedAlcohol related products produced by other manufacturers or distributors, such asBottle opener, glassAnd so on are allowed, but the following rules must be observed

onenocanEncourage irresponsible drinking behavior,For example, noGrab the bottle in a way that pretends to be drunkEven if it's obviously a jokealsonothat 's ok

twonocanEncourage excessive drinking.

threeWe should not belittle the moderation of alcoholic beverages. For example, you cannot say "This is more fun than making lemon"This is more interesting than lemonade

twoHealth, beauty and weight lossproduct

oneDo not make any medical statement unless appropriate

twoNo medical advice or advice

threeNoHealth care products are required to be similar or better than prescription products.

fourNoSaid that the product can lose weight without a balanced diet and exercise

fiveCan't guarantee the weight loss effect.

sixNoMention losing more than two pounds a week because it may not be safe.

According to Blue Ocean Yiguan,stayAmazonProhibited products under the "Unacceptable Products&Services" section of the Creative Acceptance PolicyCategoryShould not appear in video

(Polly ZhangNew media of cross-border e-commerce - Blue Ocean Yiguan website domain news) connects with high-quality resources of cross-border e-commerce.Wal Mart, CoupangWayfair 、Mercado Libre and other platforms settledBrand copywriting planning, network wide promotion, e-commerce training, incubation and other services, please contact us. No unauthorizedRewriting, reprinting, copying, clipping and editingIn whole or in part.

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