Blue Ocean Yiguan has learned that,According to a statement, M-Live has brought unprecedented interactive real-time shopping experience to millions of shoppers in India. The company added that,MyntraThe target customers of are young men and women active in the field of fashion and social media, and these customers want to obtain first-classfashionRecommendations and demand trends.
Myntra's social commerce business has three distinct propositions, which can bring huge comprehensive value to consumers, creators and brands, namely M-Live, Myntra Studio and Myntra Fashion Superstar.
Myntra has further paved the way for future shopping,M-LiveIt's a proprietary videolive broadcastshoppingPlatform. This is different from todayActive inSocial media, fashion oriented generationyoung peopleIt resonates.
M-Live aims to promote real-time interaction between consumers and brands, so thatInternet celebrityAnd experts inMyntra APPLive broadcast their planned products andstyleConcept, so that the audience canrealWhen shopping.
Several usersCan be simultaneouslyjoinlive broadcastConversation, M-Live also provides users with the opportunity to shop in the community and learn from the knowledge of the community、observation、Benefit from questions and comments,sendWhen the user is shoppingMore confidentBe decisive。
2、 Myntra Studio
Myntra Studio provides users with more than 20,000 original and purchasable fashion, beauty and life content assets(assets)。
Compared with other similar influential platforms, some leading brands on MyntraMyntra StudioOwn 2 onto3 times the communityscale, andOwn 3to4 times user stickiness.