What is Amazon Vine's comment? How can sellers register for the program


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

What is the comment of Sailing Amazon Vine? How can sellers register for the program

If the seller passesAmazonWhen you sell a product, you will know the importance of comments. Positive evaluation will improveAmazon ProductsAnd finally improve its sales performance. Amazon has a specialVine Review Program, which is helpful to improve the conversion rate.

Blue Ocean Yiguan has learned that,The program is designed to help sellers get those very important reviews. The following are the eligibility requirements and registration methods for the program.

IAmazon Vine Review Program Qualification Requirements

Amazon Vine ProgramIt is open to third-party sellers, but not all sellers or products are qualified. The qualification criteria for registering Vine are as follows:

1. OnAmazon Brand RegistryRegister.

2. There have been 30 or fewer comments on products that wish to register for Vine Program.

3. Whether there are any purchasable products under the condition of "New Brand New"FBA inventory

4. Do not make "adult" products, alcohol, jewelry or cosmetics.

5. The product must be on the shelf at the time of registration.

6. Items must be in stock (ensure that any common stock management errors are avoided).

7. The product must have a description and image.

If Amazon sellers meet these standards, registration is simple, just follow the steps below.

IIAmazon Vine Review Program Registration Steps

1. Go to the Advertising tab of Amazon Seller Center.

2. Scroll down the list to Vine and click.

3. If the seller has registered a brand, he will see a label“Enroll in Amazon Vine”Button for.

4. Enter the ASIN the seller wants when prompted.

5. Click“Begin EnrollmentStart Registration ".

6. The steps are so simple. Just repeat this process for all ASINs that want to register for the Vine program.

If the seller has difficulties in registering, you can go to the "Settings Settings" tab of Amazon Seller Center and check whether the seller has the necessary permissions to register Vine. Click User Permissions and allow access to Vine's Advertising section.

At the same time, the seller also needs to seeAmazonOther advertising tools provided to ensure that the brand has been promoted as effectively as possible.

According to Blue Ocean Yiguan,When Amazon Vine was first launched, it was only open to first party sellers and the registration fee was very high. First party suppliers may be required to pay $2500 to $7500 per ASIN.

Amazon Vine ProgramIt will be open to third-party sellers in 2019, initially free of charge. However, after the recent service update, each ASIN charged a small fee of $200. In addition, the seller will also bear the cost of goods provided to the reviewers free of charge.

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