The first black five networks has just passed,Many sellers said they were depressed,Money spent,The unit volume has not increased, but has also declined!
And every time the peak season comes,In stationAdvertising ACOSallstay in a high position without going down,Let the sellersuffer unspeakably。
The seller said frankly:“sincetwentySince,Every time the advertising fee goes up sharply,More exaggerated this year,ACOSGo straight to500%,The first fare has already gone up,The advertising price is also soaring,I feel I can't keep up!”
Want to reduce ACOS step by step in the process of advertising,Then we need to do the following,Let advertising achieve a reasonable input-output ratio,canRealize the goal of making money through advertising。
1、Moderate bidding Gradually reduceACOS
This time, the black five networks,Many sellers' friends have high advance、Low order quantity,Although the higher the bidding price, the higher the probability of ranking,But it will also lead toACOS too high,So in the peak season,We must treat our advertising bidding rationally,Especially click on products with high profits,Considering their own profits,If it is not seasonal product,During this period, you can avoid participating in excessive advertising bidding。
2、Scientific testing allows more advertisements to be displayed at the top of the home page
As a seller, we all know,Products are often exposed on the product page,If it is not a product with special advantages,The conversion effect is not good,thereforeWant toproductMore exposure on the top of the home page, keywords and other positions of keywords,Then we can do this:
one、In auto advertising,holdSimilar goods and management goods's matching ads turned off,Or adjust their bidding prices very low,suchProbability of running the product pageAnd the budget has been greatly reduced。
two、In manual advertising,Find a suitable bid,Reduce the exposure of product pages,And double at the top of the home page,plusone hundredOr more, you have to test yourself,Remember to monitor your product advertising booth after bidding,See where different bidding will make the product more exposed,Generally speaking, after these two operations,Most of the budget will be consumed at the top of the home page,Different products have different reasonable prices,So you need to take more tests to get the answer。
3、Optimize keywords and listing
Many people have an illusion,Think that the more words in a group, the better,Actually, this is wrong。
Ifthirtyindividual、50Put all the core words into one group,Then the budget will go wrong,For example, big words that run well will consume most of the budget,Which led to the exposure of the remaining dozens of words,This does not promote product ranking at all。
The best way is for each grouptenWords,Put big words in a group,Put long tail words in a group,When the word is exposed,Let's put good wordsTake it outOpen another group,No words with high traffic and poor conversion,Refer to the following figure for specific operations:
in addition,Keyword thesaurus expansion should be done during cold start,Let's share some big salesCommon keyword sorting and usage:
1、adoptGoogle、Wikipedia、SNS、youtubeEtcSearch keywords、Brand words, etc,Extended keywords,For example, Google'sArticle on the first three pages,Relevant keywords (real search words) are displayed at the bottom of the page;
2、seeVarious social activitiesForum/blog post for inspiration(E.g. Twitter+tiktok+facebook): keyword+forum/board;
3、Through buyer comments,Expand keywords with EasyYa
The buyer can be found from the comment descriptionofPhraseology,Logically speaking,Contrary to the product defects, the buyer is satisfiedProducts,Easy Ya,We canbenefitUse the antonym of negative comment to doCore transformationWords。
4、Backcheck through various auxiliary softwareCompetitorsTraffic words of。
suchsieveFind outkey wordafter,A preliminary key vocabulary was born,againDelete duplicate keywords through the table tool,Then take the keywords to the Amazon front desk for retrieval,Check whether the search results are consistent with your own products, and rank them as one, two, three, four according to the degree of consistency. If they are completely consistent, they will be one,and so on,Those that do not match will be put into the negative lexicon,So that we can find out as much as possibleStable under categoryconversionofkey word,Improve the accuracy of advertising。
of course,Want to fundamentally solve the problem of high advertising costs,We have to jump out of the original framework,Change your thinking to go cross-border,Although we cannot decide the platform rules,But we can choose who will be our competitors,In the process of screening the market,EasyYa can help us choose a market with a small competitive environment,Reduce competitive pressure from the source。 (Source: Yiya easyYa)
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