How many pictures can Amazon put at most? How to arrange better


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

How many pictures can Amazon put at most for cross-border shipping? How to arrange better

There are 2.4 million activeAmazon Seller, the competition is very fierceAmazon PlatformIt is very difficult to stand out from the crowd. The seller should consider optimizationAmazon product picturesTo promote transformation.

1、 Use various product photos

AmazonsellerUp to seven photos can be publisheda sheetproductmainchartAnd six additional photosthereforesellerMake the most of these photosProvide customers with detailed information of products from all angles.

Blue Ocean Yiguan has learned that,No detailed presentation of all aspects of the productMay causeAmazon SellerLose a potential customer.

oneFor example, Golden's matcha powder has several different shooting methods.productmainchartletcustomerLearn how it workspackingofotherThe picture shows how the customerAdd this matcha powder。 It also allowscustomerAt a glance of the true appearance of matcha powder, it can not be seen on the package.

How many pictures can cross-border e-commerce Amazon put at most? How to arrange better

2. Amazon sellerYou may also want to shoot the product from different angles. IfsellerNot sure the customer wantsFrom what point of view, you canGo to physical stores to observe consumersHow to look at the products, or look at the pictures of other stores.

threeFor example,Various fashionable cases and bagsInside the walletPictures are often displayed in other image positions besides the main product image,becauseThis sectionThere are important characteristics that customers are interested in.

fourYou can also mix people picturesThis can help potential buyers imagine themselvesHow the product looks

5. Amazon SellerYou also need to pay attention to the light of the photo and its influence on the color of the photo, especiallyThe product in the photo needs to be adjusted to matchNaked eyeLook at the productSame.SometimesA little bit of post-processing.

sixIfsellerIf your budget allows, consider hiring a product photographer. A professional with experience in industry and product typeYou should know from which angleShooting products

2、 Pay attention to the whole frame

Many sellersIt is easy to focus on the main body of the image and ignore the whole picture. howeverwantbe carefulPhotogenicCornerIt is very important.The main body of the product needs to be in the center of the picture,But also avoidOmission of the whole product during shooting

How many pictures can Amazon put at most? How to arrange better

Ensure that the product occupies as much space as possible. quite a lotsellerThey leave too much space in the photos, which makes their products appear small in the search results. The product is as large as possibleIs easier to get noticed.

3、 Provide important information

In addition to displaying products, sellers can also useAmazon product image, to share important information about the product.

If it is a package of multiple items, add a small icon with a 10 pack or anything else meaningful. it's fine tooShow the size and characteristics of the productLet people notice the difference of the product.

For example, Amazon sellers can do a graphic rendering for the technology behind children's splash resistant tableware; Or make a simple three-step operation breakdown diagram for the backpack tent. The sellers of clothes should consider people of different shapes, so they can consider uploading content related to size, weight and height.

The following figure shows some different charts of the Bike Trainer Stand on Amazon, which can show more information about the product:

How many pictures can b2b amazon put at most? How to arrange better

According to Blue Ocean Yiguan, never underestimate the value of optimizing product pictures. Although the search algorithm will have some weight after the brand name, product name and description, optimizing photos will certainly help to improve the browsing volume.

(Polly ZhangNew media of cross-border e-commerce - Blue Ocean Yiguan website domain news) connects with high-quality resources of cross-border e-commerce.Wal Mart, CoupangWayfair 、Mercado Libre and other platforms settledBrand copywriting planning, network wide promotion, e-commerce training, incubation and other services, please contact us. No unauthorizedRewriting, reprinting, copying, clipping and editingIn whole or in part.

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