Yiguan Express | Amazon was fined 8.1 billion yuan for suspected monopoly, and its share price fell


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

Cross border e-commerce Yiguan Express | Amazon was fined 8.1 billion yuan for suspected monopoly, and its share price fell

Amazon was fined 8.1 billion yuan for suspected monopoly, and its share price fell

Recently, the Italian Competition and Market Administration (AGCM) released a statement saying that Amazon was suspected of abusing its dominant position in the logistics market to harm the interests of other market participants, and it was fined 1128 million euros (about 8.1 billion yuan).

On December 13 local time, Amazon's share price fell 1.54%. In the 15 trading days from November 19 to December 13, Amazon's share price fell from $3676.57 to $3391.35, and its market value evaporated by $1446.35, equivalent to 920.312 billion yuan.

Amazon adds up to 209 cargo flights per day in peak season

twelveOn September 13, it was reported by foreign media that Amazon Airlines increased the number of one-day flights at the end of November to meet the rapidly growing demand for orders during the promotion period of One.com. According to chaddick research institute, amazon's air cargo department operated 209 american airlines on monday and 206 the next day, which means an increase of 26% since the end of august.

Some of AliExpress have recovered the "cross-border X day arrival" and "full upgrade 15 day arrival" logos

Recently, AliExpress released an announcement that due to the logistics peak season and the new round of epidemic control, the logistics timeliness of AliExpress platform will be affected to some extent. The platform will partially restore the cross-border "X-day delivery" logo and fully upgrade the "15-Day Delivery" logo, so as to avoid unnecessary risks to businesses; Other countries continue to control subscripts.

Neotrust: It is estimated that the sales of e-commerce in Brazil will reach R $6.1 billion in the Christmas quarter of 2021

twelveOn December 13, it was reported that Neotrust recently estimated that the e-commerce sales from December 10 to 24 would be R $6.1 billion, an increase of 11% compared with 2020; In addition, the order volume is expected to increase by 11% to about 14.6 million. Neotrust predicted that the e-commerce sales and order volume in Brazil in the Christmas quarter of 2021 will usher in a new record.

Some categories of Amazon and Wal Mart products are recalled

About 10000 children's bathrobes sold on Wal Mart and Amazon were recalled due to the risk of burns. According to the CPSC, the brand failed to meet the federal flammability standards for children's pajamas. The recalled polyester gown is available in six children's colors, with two front pockets and a matching belt.

The CEO of Wal Mart promised that the value of Indian exports would reach 10 billion dollars by 2027

Judith, CEO of Wal Mart International McKenna reiterated the commitment of the American retail giant to export $10 billion worth of goods from India every year by 2027. She said that this would create a small and medium-sized enterprise network for Wal Mart's global users and help to realize the "Made in India" plan.

ShopeeThe sales volume in the first two hours of Double 12 exceeded 13 times of that in the same period of ordinary days

twelveOn October 13, the cross-border e-commerce shop released the latest data of the Double 12 Promotion. According to the data, the sales volume of the Shopee platform was 13 times higher than that in the same period of ordinary days after the opening of Double 12 for two hours.

Among them, the popular categories are fashion accessories, beauty maintenance, home life, 3C electronics, etc.

eBayRussia's overseas market will exceed 1.5 billion US dollars

eBayTogether with the research institute Data Insight, we conducted the fifth research on the changes of the overseas market of Russian online sellers in 2021. According to the data, the market size will increase by 31% to US $1.51 billion by the end of the year. It is predicted that by the end of 2021, the growth rate of overseas orders of Russian online sellers will exceed the growth rate of online sales, and the number of overseas parcels will increase by a record 86% to 50.9 million pieces.

Information source: Netease, Flush Finance, etc.

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