During the period of "Black Five Networks", the website collapsed and many retailers were hit hard


Author:Zheng Yang
Source: ennews

For e-commerce retailers, websites have problems in the busiest shopping season of the yearIt is a nightmare existence,During this year's Black Five, many retailers were killed.


Up to now, the most serious enterprises involved areOffice Depot, according to the website Catchpoint monitoring user experiencePosts posted on LinkedInThe Office Depot website was down at 11:20 a.m. Eastern Time until 2:08 p.m.


In this regard,A spokesman for Office Depot said that some of their customers encountered intermittent website interruption when placing orders, which affected their shopping experience. They decided to extend the online Monday sales time to Tuesday.


In fact,Office Depot is not the only retailer experiencing technical problems. According to Yottaa, a network optimizer, since the Thanksgiving Day, more than 40 brands and retailers have experienced website collapse, freezing or slowing down. This year is slightly better than 2020. Last year, 50 e-commerce websites collapsed.


according toYottaa data, Wal Mart and Boothoo's fashion brand Pretty Little Thing all experienced website collapse, slow loading and other performance problems during the Black Five.


Cost of website crash


Problems such as website crash and slow loading speed will force consumersPurchase on other platforms toResulting in loss of revenue for retailers.


It is reported that this year's surge in the flow of shopping festivals started earlier than in previous years,The online traffic of 1500 e-commerce websites on the Yottaa platform increased significantly in the middle of October, and the traffic of Black Five increased by 20% year on year.  


according toAccording to Yottaa, the peak of online traffic of Black Five Network One this year appeared at 10 a.m. Eastern Time, rather than 9 p.m. last year. Moreover, even if the traffic drops from this peak, the performance problem of the entire website still exists.


Of course, in addition to revenue loss, retailers may also suffer reputation loss when websites fail to meet consumers' expectations for online shopping. During the period of "Black Five Networks" this year, many consumersTwitter, Facebook and other social media platforms expressed their dissatisfaction.


And earlier, Wal Mart had alsoThe replenishment problem of Play station 5 and X Box Series X, as well as the collapse of the website, affected consumers' rush to buy, which caused consumers toAnger on social media.

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