Get the 2021 Overseas Women's Underwear Industry Report for free!


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

In 2020, in the female underwear market, the bra category will surpass other categories, such as underwear, body shaping underwear and home clothes, and jump to the leading position. From 2021 to 2029, the global women's underwear market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.5%.

Since 2019, consumers' demand for comfortable bra without steel ring has been significantly higher than that for molded bra and bra with steel ring. At present, steel rimless bras and sports bras account for most of women's underwear in the United States. For casual functional bras, the beautiful and feminine details as a foil are still favored by consumers. 

Based on this vast overseas market, Youzan AllValue's North American marketing team conducted in-depth research on the overseas women's underwear industry,From the market consumption trend, industry insight and the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of overseas DTC competitors, we hope to give overseas merchants more perspective to think and find a new blue ocean!

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The e-commerce platform receives the 2021 Overseas Women's Underwear Industry Report for free!

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Cross border e-commerce logistics receives the 2021 Overseas Women's Underwear Industry Report for free!

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