U.S. Customs OfficerstayLos Angeles/Long Beach Harbor, intercepted 13586Originating from ChinaCounterfeit products, includingHandbags, shoulder bags, messenger bags, shirts and pantsetc.,And printed withGucci, Chanel, Fendi, YSL and Louis VuittonAnd other famous brands。
It is reported that,CBP officials in cooperation with U.S. Homeland Security Investigation (HSI) agents on November 9, 2021SeizureImpound the goods,If it isquality goods,The seized goodstotaltakeexceed30 millionUSD.
Los Angeles Field Operations DirectorCarlos C. Martelexpress,CBP OfficerAlwaysabsorbedstrikeThese smuggling activities,betakeExcluding counterfeit and pirated goods from the U.S. supply chainandOutside the market.
for a long time, illegal websites and underground storesIt has been staying heresellCounterfeit and shoddy products,The rise of e-commercebebyIllegalityMolecules provide a haven。The sale of counterfeit goods has multiplied the illegal profits of smugglers and traffickers,These peopleReinvestment of sales proceeds in other crimesActivity, cycle。
Los Angeles/Donald R. Kusser, Port Director, Long Beach PortIt is mentioned that the lawbreakersSelling counterfeit and insecure goods through online platforms, especially inHoliday shopping season, ifcommodityThe price looks unbelievably good, that's probablyIt's a fake product。 The quality of counterfeit goods is poor, rightShoppers and theirFamily members are not safe.
He also mentioned that,Consumers can take measures to protect themselves and their families from counterfeit goods:
Ø Purchase goods directly from trademark holders or authorized retailers;
Ø When shopping online, read seller reviews and check valid U.S. phone numbers and addresses that can be used to contact the seller;
Ø seeCBP Consumer E-commerce Counterfeit Awareness Guide;
Counterfeit and pirated goods threaten America's innovation economy,The competitiveness of enterprises, in some cases, also threatens the health of consumerseven to the extent thatnational security。
It is understood that,In order to prevent the import of illegal goods and protect American consumers and enterprises,CBPCarried outoneseriesActive and dynamic enforcement of intellectual property rightsactivity。 stayFY2020,U.S.ACBP personnel seized 26503 batches of goods containing counterfeit goods nationwide,hisNear estimated valueUS $1.3 billion.