Least competitive? The US website has become an Amazon seller's sales treasure trove


Author:Li Kai
Source: ennews

The US website has always been the preferred site for Amazon sellers, mainly due to its consumption level and market size being at the top of e-commerce platforms. Many sellers believe that Amazon's US site has the highest number of sellers and the strongest competitiveness, but this is not the case.


Recently,Marketplace PulsePublish a survey report stating that although Amazon USA has the most saturated number of sellers among major sites, it is also one of Amazon's weakest competitive sites.


according toAccording to Marketplace Pulse survey data, sellers on Amazon's US site receive more traffic on average than sellers on other Amazon sites. For example, the average monthly traffic of Amazon UK sellers is only half that of American sellers, while Amazon Canada sellers account for only a quarter of the average monthly traffic of American sellers.


Therefore, although the number of sellers on other sites outside of Amazon's US site is relatively small, its competitiveness may not necessarily be low, mainly because the consumption level and market size of other sites are lower than those of the US site.


Is the competitiveness of overseas information the least? The US website has become an Amazon seller's sales treasure trove


According to survey data, the United States, Japan, and Germany are the most important markets for Amazon, with average monthly visits ranking in the top three; It is followed by Türkiye and Brazil, where there are fewer sellers and the competitive pressure is relatively low. In addition, Amazon's European sites, such as Spain, France, and Italy, also have relatively high average monthly traffic, due to the close connection between European countries and the pan European sales approach, which has led to many Amazon sellers. At present, the most competitive markets are the Netherlands, Sweden, and Poland, due to Amazon's short launch time of these sites and their inability to form effective influence in the local e-commerce market.


However, without considering the scale of demand, this data is incomplete. Even though the sellers in Brazil and Türkiye have enough room to rise, they are still several orders of magnitude smaller than the size of Amazon America.


Is cross-border e-commerce logistics the least competitive? The US website has become an Amazon seller's sales treasure trove


Marketplace PulseAmazon's US website accounts for half of Amazon's global market traffic, and the transaction volume of the US website also exceeds its global totalHalf of GMV. The overall consumer strength and vast consumer market of the United States provide sales opportunities for sellers, and each seller can share the largest cake.

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