Please pay attention to shipment! COVID-19 variant found in many countries, and navigation ban has been announced


Source: ennews

At present, many countries around the world are preparing for Christmas Day, and people are immersed in the happy atmosphere of shopping, but the epidemic situation has become more and more serious at this time. Recently, it was reported that many countries in South Africa have found mutant strains, which has aroused great vigilance in many countries around the world.


The new mutant strain, officially named Omicron by the World Health Organization, has a large number of mutations, twice as many as Delta, and this mutant strain spreads very fast compared with Delta.


It is reported that many countries have confirmed that at least100 cases, including the United Kingdom, Belgium, Denmark and other countries, were infected with the virus, and these infections were directly related to travel in South Africa.


At present, Israel has becomeSince the emergence of the Omicron strain, it is the first country to completely close to foreigners.

On November 26,IsraelA person returned from Malawi was found to be the first person infected with the Omicron virus strain in the country. Since the same day, Israel has banned foreigners from most African countries.


Due to the rapid spread of this mutant strain, Israel entered a state of emergency, and the entry restrictions continued to escalateFrom the early morning of the 29th, all foreigners were prohibited from entering Israel.


The recent epidemic situation in the United States is also not optimistic. According to the data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of COVID-19 cases in the United States is still rising. Some experts worry that the Omikron virus strain found in South Africa is very likelyIt has spread to the United States recently.


President Biden also issued a statement saying that the United StatesOn November 29, restrictions were imposed on 8 countries from South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique and Malawi.


At present, it is the Christmas shipping season, and freight forwarding and logistics in many countries are still busy at seaports and transportation lines. I hope the seller can pay attention to the epidemic situation abroad in a timely manner, adjust the shipping arrangements, and remind freight forwarding and logistics workers to do a good job of epidemic prevention and personal safety in special periods!

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