Amazon's sale of off shelf products has caused controversy!


Author:Wang Meirong
Source: ennews

As one of the giants of American e-commerce platforms, Wal Mart and Amazon will always focus on their related behaviors.A few days ago, it was reported that Wal Mart had taken off its "FJB" products on its platform. Later, I searched its official website and found that the products with these words had indeed been unavailable.

However, on another major e-commerce giant Amazon platform, such products are still on sale, covering a wide range of categories, from hats, clothes, masks to necklaces, cups, decorations, and more. Some sticker products are directly labeled with "FJBAnd there are also many five-star reviews for this type of product.

Cross border e-commerce platform Amazon's sale of offline products has caused controversy!

From its comment section, people's comments tend to be more biased towards the product itself, but some consumers leave the same words on the comment section as the product to express their attitude. The number of comments on various products varies from a few to thousands.

Not long after Wal Mart took such products off the shelves, Amazon has not taken any measures, which inevitably causes controversy.


Amazon has had product disputes not once or twice. Previously, Amazon faced criticism from consumers and sellers for selling products related to anti human rights and treating sellers differently. Multiple platforms in the United States have previously taken down multiple monitoring equipment products on the grounds of violating human rights, and this incident has also attracted attention.

Selling off shelf products on Amazon has caused controversy!


It is understood that there are currently foreign media outlets hoping that Amazon can respond to this matter, but Amazon has not yet made a statement or related response. In fact, Amazon has been in an increasingly strict trend in platform policies and seller regulation. Sellers have a deep understanding of the control of product reviews and the operation supervision of sellers. Is this just an oversight?

In addition to the current product dispute, Amazon's previously suspected monopoly and employment issues have not been properly resolved. In the peak season, Amazon not only needs to worry about its performance in the last quarter of this year, but also needs to allocate energy to deal with the remaining issues!

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