Shops that do not issue orders for a period of time are cleared by Amazon; 200 sellers were closed overnight


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

Recently, Amazon has continuously strengthened its account review, and the action of sealing the account has been continuously upgraded"Stores that have not issued orders for a period of time"It was also banned.
Many sellers reported that their stores were closed by Amazon due to their low performance.
Amazon said in the email that it had not received anyNew information”, resulting in "Your seller account has been deactivated and your list has been deleted".

Shops that do not issue orders for cross-border information for a period of time are cleared by Amazon; 200 sellers were closed overnight

(Amazon email)
This means that,If the seller does not update the product or has no new sales history information, it will be blocked.
This seems to verify a message circulated in the "cross-border circle" before:
Amazon will"The shop has not issued orders for a long time, or is vacant for a long time (20 days or more)"Wait for low performance sellersSeal number processing.
In general, the evaluation factors of shop performance indicators mainly include the defect rate of product orders, the delay rate, and the buyer cancellation rate before product delivery.
But now,"The store is vacant for a period of time"Or yes "No order has been issued (zero order) ", will also be included in the store performance appraisal, becoming a new reason for triggering the seal.
of course,Amazon often "kills" the seller's account by mistake. This time, because of "no order" or "idle shop", it is not ruled out that it may be injured by mistake.
If the seller receives such email, he/she should first check the status of the store. If he/she is found to be wrongly judged by the platform, he/she can actively appeal and provide relevant evidence to the platform.
From the perspective of other platforms, it has become a trend to clean up "stores with low sales performance" or "stores with substandard sales".
Recently, some stores of AliExpress sellers wereForced dismissal。 These stores are engaged in clothing.
As early as September, Quick Retailing released the sales evaluation indicators for men's and women's clothing:
For 365 consecutive days, the store sales of cross-border old merchants should be ≥ 10000 US dollars, and the store sales of new merchants should be ≥ 5000 US dollars. If they do not meet the standards, they will be regarded as unqualified and will be implementedWithdrawal measures for main business categoriesAfter withdrawing from the business category, you cannot rejoin any business category within 90 days.

Shops that have not issued orders for a period of time are cleared by Amazon; 200 sellers were closed overnight

Why should AliExpress forcibly return these stores?
This may be related to the platform's store opening policy. AliExpress is different from Amazon,Allow one seller to set up multiple stores.
Under the incentive of this policy, the number of AliExpress stores rose sharply, and a large number of low sales stores or"Zombie Shop",As a result, the platform ecology is bloated, occupying a large number of data storage, store management and other resources.
Most importantly, when consumers search for products on the AliExpress platform, there are a large number of "extensive stores" that are not carefully operated. The products are repeated and the search results are complex, leading to poor purchase experience.
In addition, AliExpress has passed the development period of recruiting new sellers, and the total number of stores is not huge.
Therefore, AliExpress, like Amazon, began to clean up some inactive "redundant stores".
According to the action taken by Amazon and AliExpress to clean up "low performance stores", in the next few years,The mode of "shop+goods distribution" will be less and less supported by the platform.
For example, a seller who took the big distribution route was punished by Amazon.
According to Yien's recent report, more than 200 accounts of the seller were closed overnight by Amazon, and the brand was also affected.
The seller previously operated in Tmall for sex products, and achieved the goal of "three categories at present". In 2017, the seller began to operate Amazon and Independent Station, with a smooth journey.
During 2018-2019, at the peak time, 13000 orders can be placed at one independent station one night, and the maximum daily order volume of five Amazon stores reaches15000 orders。 In 2019, the annual sales reached 800 million yuan.
However, in May June this year, the seller's shop was not spared during the Amazon blockbuster, and 200 accounts were blocked at the same time. For a while, employees fell into a situation of nothing to do and chose to leave one after another, resulting in a sharp reduction in the number of employees from more than 700 to about 100.
The seller was unable to operate one by one due to the excessive number of stores. In order to boost sales, he also adopted the operation of swiping the order to offset the ranking, which was the direct reason for the number closure.
From the case of the previous seal number, the large distribution sellers are always unable to get rid of the strange circle of printing the seal number.
Now, Amazon has been increasing its efforts to clean up "low performance stores", which means“ A small number of stores+a small number of SKUs "will be the main direction of sellers in the next few years. (Document/cross-border e-commerce frontline)
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