Alibaba International Station has upgraded its Euro trading orders to help small and medium-sized foreign trade merchants do a good job in the winter purchasing season


Author:Wang Meirong
Source: ennews

The global epidemic has repeatedly impacted, the international logistics transport capacity is insufficient, the cross-border trade of domestic small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises is facing serious challenges, and order acquisition and shipment performance are affected to varying degrees.


Recently, Alibaba International Station officially launched its second cross-border supply chain“12Monthly Cross border Trade Shipping Festival。 The Shipping Festival will introduce various preferential policies for foreign trade enterprises, such as order service fees, logistics and supply chain finance, to help small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises seek benefits from the service supply chain and efficiency from the whole link.


You can collect money with ease.This is the main purpose of the Ali International Station Shipping Festival.


two thousand and twenty-oneSince5-10Times, increase of air freight rate21%, nearly more than the epidemic situationfourTimes (data source: CICC Research Department), the global container liner punctuality rate has dropped by more than50%, reached a historical low (data source: Shanghai Shipping Exchange, Alibaba International Station platform).“12Monthly Cross border Trade Shipping FestivalDuring this period, Alibaba International Station's cross-border supply chain will cooperate with internationally renowned logistics service providers and world leading shipowners to launcheightSubtract per orderfiftyYuan National Special Line;nineteenFull credits for worry free lines; Every single railway line between China and Europeone hundredYuan; China US express lines are reduced every timeone hundred and fiftyRMB and other discounts. Help foreign trade merchants to provide more competitive logistics services and ensure logistics experience in the environment of rising market logistics costs.


The fluctuation of exchange rate also brings visible loss of profits to foreign trade merchants, which is one of the long-term pain points of small and medium-sized foreign trade merchants. Stable World Bank Financial Telecommunication Association(SWIFTtwo thousand and twenty-oneyearsixAccording to the data released in January, the euro has surpassed the US dollar as the world's major payment currency (percentage39.03%)。


In view of this, in order to better help small and medium-sized foreign trade merchants to do online transactions in the winter procurement season.twelveIn August, Alibaba International Station upgraded its cross-border supply chain for euro trading orders, enabling online orders to be priced in euros, paid on account, and settled for cash withdrawal, enabling sellers to withdraw in euros without having to exchange euros into dollars, reducing exchange costs.


It is understood that,“12Monthly Cross border Trade Shipping FestivalDuring this period, merchants can enjoy the service fees of Yidatong for agency export, market procurement export and self operated export ordersfiveDiscount, interest free business loan, interest free L/C financing, etc.


At the same time,twelvemonthsevenSolsticethirtyDay,twelveThe National Tour Forum of the Cross border Trade Shipping Festival in June will be held in Guangzhou, Qingdao, Xiamen and other cities to explain the digital supply chain services to local businesses, so as to better help businesses perform their contracts efficiently and cheaply.

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