Social media leads the shopping demand of Generation Z in Canada


Author:Liu Mengyuan
Source: ennews

For millennials, the social responsibility of brandsSex is a major factor affecting their purchase behavior.Millennials attach importance to the authenticity of the brand, butGeneration Z has higher expectations and requires the brand to take action and givefeedback


Therefore,Impact on hopeFor the brand of Generation Z shopping and financial management, comply withConsumption of this groupAttitude is very important. This will also help determine which brand messages resonate with youth culture.


As far as marketing methods are concerned,needleyesMarketing methods andOther groupsNot the sameSurveys show that mostGeneration ZFromGet the main inspiration for shopping on social media.


According to PricewaterhouseCoopers2021 Holiday Outlook Survey, social media places products in real life related to young peopleCanada80% of Gen Z adults saidSocial media advertisingmeetingTo their shoppingSignificant behaviorinfluenceAnd only63% of Millennials said social media advertisingWill affect their buying behavior.


Among them,Instagram and YouTube areThis crowdThe primary destination for product inspiration and purchase. PricewaterhouseCoopersThe interviewees of Generation Z pointed out that,They will spend74% of the timestaySocial networking sitesInstagramPlatform shopping, followed byYouTube, 71%.


besides,When adults of Generation Z buystillConsider the values of the brand. according toAccording to YouGov's survey of global adults in August 2021, 25% of people aged 18 to 24 said they would give priority to the values of a brand before buying.althoughThe purchasing power of people in this age group is lower than that of older people, butGeneration ZWhen consumers choose products, considerPrice PriorityThe proportion of is less thanAll other age groupsconsumer


Marketing in social media has proved effective in attracting young peopleWhen developing brand content that is entertaining or conveys brand value, short videos are most likely to attract these audiences.


For cross-border sellers, social media marketing is also a good diversion channel, but the cost and quality of the traffic generated should be considered before the diversion, otherwise it may be counterproductive.

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