The product is removed from the shelf due to unknown infringement? The seller's feedback failed many times


Author:Li Kai
Source: ennews

Recently, Xiao Bian learned on Amazon's official seller forum that some sellers reported that their products were taken off the shelves due to infringement, but they could not find the infringing brands and reasons.


sellerVOLPORT said that its products were officially taken off Amazon's shelves. Later, VOLPORT checked the account status and found that the reason for the removal was trademark infringement on the product details page, but the seller did not receive any notice. After contacting the customer service, the customer service said that they could not find the infringing brand. VOLPORT sends his experience to the forum, hoping to get suggestions from the sellers.


Amazon official staffYvett_ Amazon said that VOLPORT needs to visit the account status page of the seller center, click the appeal link next to asin to appeal against infringing products, and provide valid invoices.


butVOLPORT emphasizes that although Amazon system prompts that the seller will receive the infringement email, it has not received the relevant notice, so it is unable to judge the infringement and the infringing brand. At the same time, this product is designed and produced by ourselves. Although it has not registered any intellectual property rights in China, it can ensure the authenticity of products 100%. Because there is no license agreement or power of attorney, the corresponding invoice cannot be provided.


Amazon staff only told the seller to consult Amazon's intellectual property policy and trademark common problems, and did not provide solutions.


Many sellers responded to the forum one after another, indicating that they had the same experience.


sellerA: Have you solved it yet? I also encountered this situation. I did not find any infringing content in the details page, nor did I receive any performance notice or email notification. The customer service didn't know where the infringement occurred.


sellerB: My situation is similar to yours. My complaint is about copyright infringement. The listing was deleted on the black fifth day, without any email. I don't know who infringed the copyright and where the infringement is. What's more funny is that I have copyright myself. The appeal is just to fill in some basic information, and there is no place to speak, so now we have to wait and have no choice!


sellerC: I also encountered a similar problem of trademark infringement on the product details page, but the link has been deleted and will not be sold again. Do you need to make further representations? If there is no appeal, will it affect the account?


The editor here kindly reminds that sellers must pay attention to the details of account operation in a timely manner, and report problems to the official team in a timely manner to avoid losses.

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