The Amazon Global Store Cross border Summit will be launched online in January 2022


Author:Crystal crystal
Source: ennews

The Amazon Global Store Cross border Summit will be held from January 11 to 13, 2022, to showcase the world and win with perseveranceFully open.This year,The summit will continue to adopt online formatHold. At that time,Representatives of well-known enterprises and industry professionals in the field of cross-border e-commerce will gather in the cloud to provide sellers and audiences with cutting-edge and unique global perspectives, highly valuable business conversations, experience sharing with a full supply of goods, and comprehensive and rich practical courses. Meanwhile,Amazon opens stores globallyWe will also release a heavyweight message and announce its2022businessstrategic focusContinue to empower Chinese sellers, grasp the mysteries of brand expansion under the new pattern of cross-border e-commerce, assist enterprises in building international brands, accelerate the pace of global layout, and achieve long-term development.


The "Amazon Global Store Cross border Summit" will be launched online in January 2022


sinceSince 2015, Amazon Global Store Cross border SummitIt has become an annual industry event for cross-border people to exchange experiences and explore global opportunities.This year, against the backdrop of continuous changes in the cross-border e-commerce landscape and consumption environment, global brand development has also shown new characteristics and trends. This timeThe summit will focus onNew situationNext, Chinaenterprisegogo outFaced with difficulties and challenges, straightsurfaceCross bordersellerPain points and explore effective solutions.


currentThe "Amazon Global Store Cross border Summit" includes the following three highlights:


Release heavyweight news and2022businessstrategic focus


In the past few years, China's cross-border e-commerce industry has experienced changes fromThe rapid development from "barbaric growth" to "intensive cultivation". In the future, a new pattern of cross-border e-commerce industry has gradually emerged.This cross-border summit, Amazon opens stores globallyWill share a review, reflection, observation, and foresight of the cross-border e-commerce industry, release heavyweight news, and announce itstwo022Annual businessStrategic focus, focusing on global layoutBrand building, long-term orientationCross border logistics, complianceOperationsWait for the topic,Fully empowering ChinasellerRealizing the Long Term Winning Path of Chinese Brands Going Abroad.

Focusing on global economic dynamics and exploring new trends in cross-border e-commerce development

Multiple industry experts and well-known brand executives will also participate in the conference to explore the winning strategies of brands in the digital wave, and gain insights into the new trend of brands going global; Excellent Chinese brand overseas seller representatives will also combine their own experience,From productresearch and developmentBrand buildingOverseas expansionSharing with team optimization and other perspectivesTheir valuable experience in exploring at sea.In addition, in the sub venue segment,The summit will also provide opportunities for sellersAnalyzing new trends in cross-border e-commerce and exchanging ideastwo022 Overseas Consumption TrendsKey selection points,explorePurchased by Amazon EnterpriseB2B business opportunities,And bring practical sharing for overseas sellers.


Seller Sailing Training Camp,Multidimensional enhancement of brand operational strength


stayOn the basis of a full day free agenda on January 11th, this year'sCross border summitWill be onContinued launch from January 12th to 13thAmazon Official Lecture HallSpecial training campOn the basis of existing training courses, comprehensivelyupgrade, combined withsellerMost concerned topics, creatingOne stop professional training courseCovering the entire lifecycle of product selection planning, cross-border logistics, operational tools, advertising marketing, and brand building. The training camp has set up courses on different topics such as basic and advanced courses based on the needs of sellers at different stages, providing detailed explanations of practical strategies and enhancing comprehensive operational capabilities. For novice sellers, starting fromNew selection profitSpace analysis, advertising placement, guidance on logistics links for beginners, etc,Several beginner courses provide protection for novice sellers;For high-end sellers, then there areSimulate advertising operations in practice,Breaking through traffic bottlenecks and other high-quality courses,helpHigh level sellers overcome growth challenges.


In cross-border e-commercehigh speeddevelopIn the past few years,More and moreChinaManufacturing directionoverseasconsumer.In the future,Amazon's global store opening willContinuously empowering ChinasellerGlobal layoutBuilding an international brand.

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