US online sales will reach 200 billion dollars in peak season


Author:Wu Shuai
Source: ennews

According to market research,Vacation in 2021busy season,US Online SalesDecrease in the growth rate, but stillremarkableGrowth.


according toMarket research companyForrester's analysis,US online holiday salesstay30% by 2020burstAfter sexual growth,It will increase by 10% year on year in 2021,ApproachUS $200 billion.


Forrester predicts that the sales of online holidays in the United States in 2021 will be more thanBefore the outbreak2019 ($139 billion) higher thangold$60 billion, up43%。 Supply chain problemsOfflineRecovery of shopping and expenditure on restaurants and travelIt is expected that part of consumer spending will be transferred from online shopping. However,Formed during the epidemiconline shoppingHabitual meetingbythis yearTo create moreLineLast sales.


stayepidemic situationDuring this period, the supply chain problem has beenPerplexedmanysellerAnd manufacturers.Forrester estimatesEven if the vacation ends,The problems of the supply chain will still exist in 2022,Increased freight and investment will forcesellerIncrease the product price, otherwise it willinfluenceProfit.


Affected by the epidemic situation and the supply chain, many platforms started promotion activities in advance this year, but the discount is obviously not as strong as in the past few years.Forrester predicts that this situation will continue in the next few years,sales promotionadvanceStart byBecome normal


it happens that there is a similar case,In October 2021, Adobe released an online holiday spending forecast, which is very similar to Forrester's forecastAdobe ForecastUS online holiday sales will$207 billion from November 1 to December 31, 2021Year on year growth10%


Adobe's analysis is also consistent with Forrester's dataSupply chainfactorDriving up online prices.Adobe expects that, compared with the last holiday, the average cost paid by American consumers will increase by 9% during the network week in 2021. According to Adobe, this isInfluenced by inflation and small online discounts


According to the National Retail Federation,November USAYOY growth in sales of online and other non physical stores15.1%。The fastest growing sales are:Clothes & AccessoriesYear on year growth35.3%)、sports goodsYear on year growth22.1%)、Furniture and household itemsYear on year growth18.6%)、Electronics and electrical appliancesYear on year growth17.7%)。

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