Lack of discounts to curb consumer spending, moderate growth has become a trend!


Author:Wang Meirong
Source: ennews

According to the latest news,Due to the increase in inflation rate,consumerDuring this holiday shopping seasonveryDifficult to findBefore thisPromotions and discounts,As a resultConsumers save more and spend lessThe situation.


According to data from the US Department of Commerce,fromNovemberStart,Retail sales growth0.3%But lower than expected,Moderate growthTrends inIndicating consumer spendingWill be hit harder by inflation in the future,Currently in the United StatesInflation is at39 yearsSinceHigh order. Last week,United StatesThe Ministry of Labor reports that,The consumer price index rose 6.8% year-on-year in November, the fastest increase since June 1982.


According to foreign media reports,Calculated on an annual basis,this yearRetail sales in November increased by 18.2% year-on-year, while in October they increased by 16.3% year-on-year, due to stimulus checks and wage increases supporting consumers' purchasing power. Last month, online sales remained unchanged, while department store sales decreased by 5.4%.


According to the report, the epidemicofSide effectsReduce discount products, whileSupply chain backlog and inflation are some of the factors leading to a lack of discounts.

 The lack of discounts for cross-border shipping has curbed consumer spending, leading to a trend of moderate growth!

The report also states thatRetailers have been facing discounts and deflation for many years, and now their newly discovered pricing power is helping to increase profits, while retail sales are still recovering from the pandemic,alsoThe price increase also made shoppers think twice before taking action. They spent this holiday.


Data from the United States Bureau of Labor StatisticsstillDisplay,The producer price index in November increased by 9.6% compared to the previous year, with a monthly increaseGrow0.8%.


Some major brand companies in the United States even bid up prices,In addition to passing on higher prices to consumers, they are also facing labor shortagesRecruiting employees,sendSupply chain continues to receive supportMaintain shelf inventory,The emergence of Omicron may exacerbate this situation.


However,The National Retail Federation, the largest retail trading group in the United States, stated that,Despite various challenges, the holiday shopping season seems expected to exceed its sales growth expectations of 8.5% to 10.5%. Compared to the previous year,Holiday sales increased by 8.2% in 2020.


Christmas is only a week away, and major retailers and sellers are preparingSome people are eagerly anticipating the 'final battle', while others say that if you don't lose, you'll be content. Both good and bad sales must continue.

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