New Year! Shipping congestion remains unchanged


Author:Zheng Yang
Source: ennews

In 2021, AmericansrightholidaycommodityConcerns about shortagesOctober surge.In the second week of October, Googleupperright"Port consumption"Port congestionSearch foramountrelativelyIncreased at the beginning of the year376%. Yes"Supply chain"supply chainSearch foramountReaching its peak in the third week,relativelylast yearyearInitial growth194%.

Cross border information New Year's new atmosphere! Shipping congestion remains unchanged

stayIn November, on GoogleSearch for these two wordsamountReturn to normal.However,Supply Chain Pressure Trends and Google SearchThe trend is just rightOn the contrary.althoughThe peak of the festival has passed, butportcontainer shipofcongestionStill intensifying.


along withnewyearas well asChinese Lunar New Year holidayofarrival,United StatesImport volumeUshering in a new high,AddOmicron is coming,There is a shortage of dock workers, and the number of container ships waiting for berths in Southern California has once again reached a new high.


The number of ships waiting near Southern California has increased threefold


According to data from the Southern California Maritime Exchange,upperOn Thursday105 container ships in Los Angeles and Long BeachharborWait, it's doneNewRecord.


Among them, there are16 shipsstopIn the port waters,89 ships at designated locationsregionWandering or slow sailing.according toMarine Traffic's ship positioning datadisplayMost of these shipsaccumulationNear the Baha Peninsula.

New Year's New Year! Shipping congestion remains unchanged

Nowadays, in theLos AngelesAnd Long Beachharborwait forThe number of container ships is last yearContemporaneous periodMore than three times that, yeslast year11.6 times on June 24th,relativelylast yearOn October 24th, it increased by 31%.


according toMarine Exchange data,upperWaiting on ThursdaystayLos Angeles/ChangtanharborberthvesselsThe total transportation capacity (including container ships and regular cargo ships loaded with containers) is815958 units of twenty foot equivalent.


This dataCompared to Los Angeles and Long BeachharborstayTotal imports in Novemberstillhigh6%,thanWaiting for ships offshore at the end of NovemberTransport capacity745305 TEUs are 9% higher than in early November in Los Angeles/Long BeachharborofTransport capacity637329 TEUs are 28% higher.


Other portsCongestion is also happening


Not only Los AngelesCongestion at Changtan Port,Located inNorthern CaliforniaofAuckland Port is locatedThe second quarter of 2021 experienced severe congestion, as ofupperFriday,according toMarine Traffic data display,stillhave8 container ships are moored in San Francisco Bay, and one is in the Pacific Oceanwait for.


AdditionallyThere are four container ships in Seattle in the Pacific Northwest region/Tacoma is waiting. And in the Gulf region,alsoThere are five container ships moored on the Houston coastwait for.

Cross border e-commerce platform new year! Shipping congestion remains unchanged

On the East Coast, near Savannah, GeorgiavesselsThe queuejuststaynorthwardspread. There are six ships waiting near Charleston, South Carolina, and four other ships waiting near Virginia.


The ports of New York and New Jersey areat presenteast coastLongest queue,according toMarine Traffic data display,As ofupperFridayhave11 container ships are waiting for berths on three coastlines of the United States near the coastTotal number of shipsachieveone hundred and forty-sixship.

New Year's New Year! Shipping congestion remains unchanged

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