One trick a day! EBay sellers share CPC advertising experience


Author:Li Kai
Source: ennews

Yesterday, according to foreign media reports, a person namedJeffry Radspinner's eBay seller shared his experience with CPC advertising.


It is reported that,Jeffry Radspinner runs an eBay store called Venture Surplus and has 11 years of sales experience. Last Friday, in the "eBay for Business" podcast, Radspinner talked about his experience with the advanced beta version of eBay's promotional lists. This is a new type of advertisement on eBay. No matter whether shoppers buy goods or not, sellers must pay for clicks.


Radspinner said that this kind of advertisement is not suitable for every seller, such as those who sell some unique products. " This kind of advertisement is better for sellers who sell several or a large number of goods. Sellers can create an activity template during the replenishment process, and then complete the work at one time. For some sellers who use a single list, they will have to complete all the work manually, which increases the loss of their time and energy. "


Radspinner points out that when planning an event, he can select up to 10 projects to advertise. "I usually choose some very similar items, because I don't want the seller to enter the page and find that this activity will cover pants, jackets and backpacks, which is too broad. I want to be able to go back and measure the effectiveness of that activity. So I usually choose very similar items or only items under different conditions."


besides,Radspinner emphasizes that you should not automatically use keywords or budgets suggested by eBay, and do a lot of testing.


For example, when he plans to do an activity of warm gloves,EBay suggests many broad keywords for bidding. If the monthly search volume of "Gloves" reaches 28000 times, he does not want to pay for 28000 people to see advertisements irrelevant to everyone.


Generally,Radspinner scrolls through all suggested keywords, and then selects the keyword that he thinks is most relevant. "He also uses" negative keywords "to reduce irrelevant advertising pay per click because. For example, for leather gloves, Radspinner does not want to pay for the click of shoppers looking for leather gloves, because this term is too broad for the type of gloves he sells.

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