Seven major institutions reveal cross-border business opportunities in 2022, with $5.69 trillion waiting for sellers to explore!


Author:Zeng Xuening
Source: ennews

In a few more days,2021 is about to yearWhat will the global e-commerce economy look like? Which market is highly favored? What are the latest trends in product selection? The editor has summarized the opinions of some institutions for your reference.


grasp2022$5.69 trillionbusiness opportunity


Although cross-border business is not easy to do this year, it must be said that e-commerce is still the current trend of development.


Global Comprehensive Data DatabaseStatista calculated the number of global online shoppers from 2014 to 2017 and found that the number of online shoppers worldwide has been increasing year by year, from 1.32 billion to 1.66 billion. Statista predicts that over 2.14 billion people worldwide will purchase goods and services online in 2021. Looking at it this way, the number of global online buyers will further increase in 2022.


The direct effect of the increase in the number of online shoppers is the growth of electronic retail sales.Statista predicts that the e-commerce market value will reach $4.93 trillion in 2021, with global online sales accounting for 22% of total retail sales.And in theIn 2022, the total global electronic retail sales will rise to $5.69 trillion.NASDAQ estimates that byIn 2040, 95% of consumers may choose to shop online.

Seven major institutions in cross-border e-commerce logistics reveal cross-border business opportunities in 2022, with $5.69 trillion waiting for sellers to explore!

Not only that, people have also become more reliant on online shopping. 《The White Paper on the Growth of Cross border Export E-commerce from 2021 to 2022 states that,The global average online consumption time has increased47%.


In addition, mobile phones have gradually become an important traffic entry point. according toAccording to Statista's data, the current global number of smartphone users is 6.378 billion, which means 80.63% of people worldwide have smartphones. This number has significantly increased compared to 2016, when the user base was only 3.668 billion, accounting for 49.4% of the global population that year.


according toEMarketer survey,In the United States, transactions reached through mobile phones this year were sold online44.4%, an increase of 10.6% compared to Black Friday in 2020.Although this is not half of the total, there are actually62.2% of consumers browse products on their phones, and some choose to complete the purchase process on their computers.


Furthermore, social e-commerce is increasingly attracting people's attention.According to eMarketer's survey, 46.4% of Chinese netizens shop at least through social media platforms within a year.Next is the United States, with35.9% of American netizens shop through social media platforms.As for other countries, such as Australia, Canada, Russia, Brazil, the UK, France, etc., the proportion of social media shoppers has also reachedMore than 20%.


In the United States, where sellers are more concerned,EMarketer predicts that the volume of social e-commerce in the United States will increase by 25% in 2022, reaching $45.74 billion.Consumers(72%) usually purchase by clicking on the shopping link on social media to enter the corresponding website. Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram are the favorite social networks of Generation Z. It is worth noting that many social media platforms are also building their own e-commerce ecosystem. In the future, internal purchases on social media platforms are also expected to become a popular trend.


And step inIn 2022, with the increase in vaccination rates and the alleviation of the epidemic, people will further return to their pre pandemic lives. The latest consumer trend report released by Jungle Scout shows that,55% of American consumers say they look forward to "treating themselves well" in 2022. This means that the leisure and entertainment industry may face a wave of retaliatory shopping.Similar situations should also occur in other countries.


Multiple business opportunities for emerging sites


In order to continue welcomingSales growth in 2022,In next year's layout, sellers will learn about popular sites in advanceTake a good position in the pitYou can better access opportunities.


The e-commerce market in the United States has been on the rise, according toAdobeofPrediction, toIn 2022, the e-commerce transaction volume in the United States will exceed billions of dollars for the first time; The e-commerce market value in Europe is expected to reach 570 billion US dollars by 2025.


In addition to these mature sites, there are also some emerging markets in the2022 is also worth looking forward to for sellers.


Middle East


According to local media reports in Dubai, toIn 2022, the e-commerce market size in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia regions is expected to reach $148.5 billion. Among them, the per capita online spending of consumers in the Arab League is 1648 US dollars, which is the highest in the Middle East region.


And in recent years,The increasing popularity of international luxury platforms such as MyTheresa in the Middle East indicates that local consumers have also increased their attention to luxury goods. In addition, Middle Eastern consumers are able to accept products with higher prices, which is also a good place for sellers to "dig gold".




India, as the world's second largest internet market with a large population base, has become one of the most favorable conditions for the development of e-commerce. According to the latest survey in India, the size of the Indian e-commerce market isBy 2022, it will reach 150 billion US dollars. The report predicts that the middle class in India will increase from 380 million in 2017 to 540 million in 2022, with online users reaching 850 million.


Among them,FlipkartAmazon is the most popular e-commerce platform among local consumers, while electronic technology products have the best sales.




The population of Australia is approximately24 million, with over 90% of netizens and over 80% of consumers attempting cross-border consumption, far exceeding the global average of 51.2%.


Amazon is one of the commonly used e-commerce platforms for Australian consumers. Electronic products, household groceries, and fashion products are the fastest-growing categories in online shopping, while beauty and outdoor toys are also the main consumer goods in Australian online shopping.




The epidemic has brought permanent large-scale digital popularization to Singapore, including90% of consumers will continue to use online shopping after the epidemic. This has also brought sustained development to the e-commerce market in Singapore.


andAmazonLazada, ShopeeEtc. is the most commonly used e-commerce platform for Singaporean consumers.


Many sellers have previously said that although emerging sites'Fragrance', but if you want to expand your multinational business, language is a big problem.


Many consumers on emerging websites are not very familiar with the use of English. This also reminds sellers who want to enter these markets to pay attention to understanding the local language and customs when layout, in order to better provide services to consumers.


These categories are worth paying attention to in 2022


In addition to identifying sites with high potential for e-commerce development, product selection is also one of the key factors in creating high sales.


That's rightWhat are the options worth sellers' attention in 2022?The editor has compiled some popular products, which can provide some reference for sellers' selection in the coming year.




according toPinterest's "2022 Global Fashion Trends Report", accessories will receive attention next year. And novel accessories such as dental and eye accessories driven by Generation Z will become a trend.


Among them, the body drills inPinterest's search volume increased by 145%; Nail diamond decoration increased by 150%; The crystal eyewear has increased by 110%. According to predictions, lip rings, crossed earrings, and unique jewelry will be popular in Mexico next year.




according toShopifyofPrediction, toys areRanked first among popular products in 2022, the global order growth rate is expected to increase by 1239% year-on-year, with Canada being one of the top selling destinations.


Among them, dolls, handicrafts, building block sets, dolls, games and puzzles, baby toys, teenagers' electronic toys, plush toys, mini car models, adventure toys, and outdoor sports toy cars are all sub products that sellers can pay attention to. However, when placing toys on the shelves, sellers should pay attention to copyright issues to avoid infringement.


Tourism products


After a long period of home quarantine, many people haveReady to travel. So in 2022, consumers' demand for travel products such as suitcases, mobile power supplies, and portable toiletries will increase. When the epidemic was not yet over, products such as vaccine card protectors and camping equipment were also essential for tourists to go out.


Yoga mats and home fitness equipment


The epidemic has led more and more people to realize the importance of health. However, the ongoing epidemic has led to the closure of gyms, so many people have developed the habit of exercising at home, which has also driven the sales of such products.


according toResearch and Markets predicts that the home fitness equipment market is expected to exceed $96 billion by 2024. Professional fitness clothing, running shoes, protective equipment, and treadmills are expected to have high sales.


The trend in the cross-border e-commerce industry is positive, and I hope this article can create new opportunities for sellers next yearThe 'miracle of explosive orders' brings a little help. Looking forward to 2022, cross-border people come on!

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