The daily GMV of Double 12 exceeds ten thousand US dollars, and this overseas shipment is unstoppable!


Author:He Ying
Source: ennews

Senma is countlessThe 'youth' after '80' and '90'.At that time, in their eyes, Senma wasThe synonyms for "trendy" and "fashionable wardrobe".This clothing brand that once captured the wardrobes of tens of millions of students,As everyone ages, you think it has faded out of your sight.


Not so!


It just opened up a wider world. Amidst the influx of foreign fast fashion brands and intensified competition in the domestic market, Senma has embarked on a global layout, including settling inAlibaba Southeast Asia FlagshipE-commerce platform——Lazada, now Senma's products are widely sought after in Southeast Asia, especially in the Vietnamese market.

Global layout, opening up cross-border sea trips

Not long ago, Senma was in the realm of the skyThe new product show held by "Chaka Salt Lake" has once again become the focus of discussion among Chinese people.


From the city of steel and cement, move to the vast and ethereal Chaka Salt Lake, and transform SenmaThe brand concept of 'comfortable and fashionable' is fully demonstrated.


Cross border outbound double 12 single day GMV exceeds 10000 US dollars, this outbound domestic product is unstoppable!


In fact, it's not just this that surprises Senma.


Calculated, founded onIn December 1996, Senma was also 25 years old. Over the past 25 years, in the clothing industry in mainland China,New brands continue to emerge as industry stars, while old brands continue to decline and be forgotten. And SenmabutAlways active in the public eye.Even the performance has been continuously increasing.


according toAccording to the 2021 semi annual report data, Senma achieved revenue exceeding 5 billion yuan, an increase of 13.65% over the same period; The net profit attributable to the company's shareholders reached 600 million yuan, an increase of 2980.24%.


Such achievements are closely related to its global layout.


In 2017, Senma set a sales target of "80 billion yuan by 2023" and regarded international business as an "important engine" for development in the next five years.


early stageSenmaJustAlways onfollowSoutheast Asiamarket,two hundred and two0Year, SenmastayLAzadaplatformformalinputOperations,adoptWithChinese version of TmallNameofLazadaBrand MallLAzMallTurn it onCross border sea goingJourney.

When it comes to exploring the Southeast Asian market, there are five main reasons for Senma's leadership:


1countryThe "the Belt and Road" strategy guides Chinese enterprises and Chinese brands to try internationalization;

IIThe current demographic dividend in the Southeast Asian market is prominent,GDP maintains rapid growth, the internet economy develops rapidly, and the penetration rate of e-commerce in the five Southeast Asian countries is below 5%, with an average of only 2.5%. The e-commerce market has huge potential, and the per capita online clothing consumption continues to grow;

IIIThe growth of the Chinese market is slowing down, and the overseas market is still a dividend era of traffic growth. The company wants to seize this opportunity of global consumption upgrading;

IVSenma has strong design, production, and sales capabilities, and has a very strongWillingness to 'go out';

5、 Building an international brand and providing high-quality products and services to global customers is also in line with the principle of using fashion to celebrate life advocated by Senma E-commerce.


Double 12 single day GMV exceeds 10000 US dollars, and Senma is constantly advancing in Southeast Asia


However, although the market dividend is there, Senma and many overseas brands face the same problem: insufficient brand awareness.


Domestic brands will face the challenge of visibility when entering the international market, and the popularity of national brands overseas is generally not high, which means that the'Jiangshan', the accumulated fans, and the brand tone identity cultivated among consumers, no longer exist overseas, and everything has to start from scratch.


In this situation, Senma integrates industry resources and optimizes the supply chain while fully utilizingLazada's supportive policies have gradually gained popularity in Southeast Asia.


When brands go overseas, the main problem for merchants is unclear market demandLazada in the marketTrendytransparent transmissionGoodsdemandMarketing&advertisementplaying methodPrivate domain andVarious typesWe have provided a lot of assistance in terms of resources, which enables Senma to quickly and effectively serve Southeast Asian customers.”The person in charge of Senma said that Lazada provides strong support for domestic brands going overseas and actively promotes brands in Southeast Asia, which is also one of the important reasons why Senma chose this platform.


In addition, the positioning andVerticalizationstyleTonality ofIt is also the key to its success in Southeast Asia. Whether in China or Southeast Asia, Sema has always focused on goodsVerticalizationstyleOperations,wholeTake a casual and comfortable style. And this is precisely in line with the consumption characteristics of Southeast Asian consumers. In previous interviews, SenhorseFor Southeast AsiaConsumer demand for clothingExpress the following opinion:


1The body shape of Southeast Asian people matches that of China, which is suitable for the style of Senma clothing. You can use a domestic stock to select and sell according to the needs of Southeast Asian consumers;

IIThe weather in Southeast Asia is relatively warm and lightthinThe demand potential for the product is high;

IIISoutheast Asia has a diverse range of clothing, and people's consumption level is in line with the market positioning of Senma Clothing.


Since Senma entered the Southeast Asian market, it has been advancing all the way, and in the past two years12 major promotions, singledayGMVBreaking ten thousand US dollars.


Cross border e-commerce platforms have a GMV of over $10000 per day on Double 12, making this overseas shipment unstoppable!

On a single day of Double 12, Senma created nearly 10000 GMVs on a single site on the Lazada platform


SenmalayoutLAzadaAfter,aim atSix Southeast Asian countriesMade further progressmarketThrough research, it was found that the consumer market demand of Vietnamese sites is higher than that of other countriesThe matching degree of SenmamoreHigh,decisiontakeVietnamAsAdvanceSoutheast AsiaofMarketableCore,thoroughunderstandVietnammarketdemandafter,matchinglocalGoodsdemandreachLAzada,This is one of the reasons why Senma Clothing is popular in Vietnam.

Currently, Senma's output at Lazada Vietnam Station accounts for a proportion of all stationsup to50%. And Shuang 12 Middle School, Vietnam StationAlsoperformanceoptimumofsite. Not only that, the performance in the first 12 hours exceeded 800% on the day of Double 11, with a single volume growth exceeding 7 times.


Cross border outbound double 12 single day GMV exceeds 10000 US dollars, this outbound domestic product is unstoppable!


Besides, SenmathinkInsight into market trendsVery important.two thousand and twenty-oneyearNot yetfinishBut Samma is righttwo thousand and twenty-twoVietnam Clothing Market inalreadyGot itverygoodmarketInsight,It's also clearNew Year'sSelectiondirectionThe relevant person in charge of itsayAs the impact of the epidemic decreases, the suppressed consumption desire of the population will be greatly released. The replacement of clothing, coupled with the outbreak of travel demand, will drive a higher growth in clothing demand.


And in response to these trends,Based on market research in Southeast Asia,Senma has also made corresponding layouts, including:


1Increasing investment in the Vietnamese market and laying out local offline physical stores will be an important direction for SenmaThe Online To Offline model, combined with online Lazada, accelerates the development pace of Senma;

IIIn terms of products, Senma will persist in going forwardVerticalizationstyleElectricityBusiness route, optimizationSKU has achieved differentiated competitive advantages in terms of product strength, channel strength, brand strength, etc;

3、 In the private domain, comprehensively enhance brand user retention and new customer acquisition capabilities, reduce operating costs, and improve business efficiency.


Vietnam is one of the fastest-growing e-commerce markets in the Asia Pacific region. The Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade recently released data showing that,In 2020, Vietnam's e-commerce attracted about 53% of the population to participate in online shopping, with an increase of 18% in e-commerce transaction volume and a market size of 11.8 billion US dollars. It is the only country in Southeast Asia with double-digit growth in e-commerce transaction volume.


According to this development trend, whoever can successfully take root in the Vietnamese e-commerce market will have control of the money bags of the Vietnamese people.


Apart from the clothing category,From a category perspective,EditorI also learned thatThe following categories also have great development potential in the Vietnamese market:


Fashion category:Pay attention to the spring and autumn Korean style fresh and refreshing, and there is a market for spicy, sweet, and cool girls.

Maternal and Child Category:Children's clothing undergoes seasonal updates, with a strong advantage in heavy and lightweight cross-border products and a fast growth rate in categories.

Beauty and health care: Beauty and skincareyesVietnam has the largest local sales volume and cross-border salesThe fastest-growing category in 2020.

Household goods: Vietnam has a large population of young people and young families, resulting in a strong demand for household goods. At present, food and kitchen products are still in a shortage of products.


Using the Vietnam site as a reference for Southeast AsiaBreakthrough pointofSenmaWill also continueDeep cultivationThe layout of other Southeast Asian countries enables Southeast Asian consumers to fall in love with the Samma brand.


according to the understanding of,LazadaofbrandmallLAzMallyesat presentSoutheast AsiaLargestbrandmall,haveexceedthirty-two thousandindividuallocalandinternationalbrandAndhaveSoutheast Asiaregionhigh qualityofconsumercrowd.LAzadaWe have also been assisting Chinese brands to go overseas to Southeast Asia,helpbrandChinamainlandbrandachieveinternational brand ofTransformation,Make Southeast Asian consumers fall in love with more Chinese brands.

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