Amazon Announces New Requirements for Pipeline Equipment Compliance!


Author:Wang Meirong
Source: ennews

Recently, Amazon USA released a new announcement on pipeline equipment product compliance, which clearly states that this time, it is mainly aimed atCaliforniaThe seller who sells.


According to the announcement,California Energy Commission(CEC)Require certain products sold to California to meet minimum energy efficiency standards and product registration requirements.Amazon stated that relevant sellersAboutCEC efficiency standards and information on affected products can be found on the CEC website.


CEC meetingMaintain an online modern equipment efficiency database system(MAEDbS), Affected products must meet efficiency standardsAnd it must be in theThe database systemRegister in and provide accurate information, includingBrand name, manufacturer's name, and model number.

 E-commerce platform Amazon releases new requirements for pipeline equipment compliance!

The announcement shows that the new policy willfromtwo thousand and twenty-twoyearStarting from February 14thStart implementationAmazon will restrict access toCalifornia sales pipeline equipment registered in MAEDbS.Amazon reminds sellersEnsure that theAny products sold on Amazon. comandThe pipeline equipment products that may fall within the scope of such restrictions are already included in theLog in to the database after correctly registering with CEC in MAEDbS,The seller also needs to update relevant information and perform information matching.


Some sellers agree with this announcement, believing that there are indeed quality issues with the pipeline equipment in California. However, some sellers believe that this policy will expand the compliance of California's relevant regulations. However, based on the new product regulations that Amazon has been releasing, Amazon is concerned aboutproduct qualityI have been quite strict in my efforts,The new requirements for the sales of pipeline equipment released this time are also aimed at ensuring the quality of life of its citizens.


Previously, California also issued requirements for pesticide sales. In addition, sellers selling in California should also note that some new regulations have been clarified and will be implemented gradually in the next year or two, including whether there are any restrictions on bathroom productsProducts certified as "lead-free" and prohibited from selling small fuel engines, such as generators, lawn mowers, etc.


Sellers selling related products in California will be affected to some extent by the new requirements, so it is necessary to take appropriate measures and plan in advance.

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