More than 7.5 million counterfeit products have been removed from the shelves of American customers, and electronic products have become a disaster area


Author:Wu Shuai
Source: ennews

Piracy and counterfeiting are one of the great challenges facing brands,These problems areOn e-commerce platformThe same existsMercado Libreexpress,It is actively avoiding through various measuresThis situation


The e-commerce platform isRecently announced that fromthis yearFrom January 1 to December 13Dismount on its platformMore than7.5 million copies that do not meet their terms and conditionscommodity


according toMercado Juan, Senior Manager of Brand Protection, Libre Cichero said,Among the products removed from the shelves2 million 500 thousandItem occurred inMexicosite。 In addition, the same periodstillhaveabout1 million copiescommoditycoverconsumers'complaints, of whichhave60%happen toBrazilstation16%Occurs onMexicostation7%stayArgentinastation


The most affected product areas are clothing and footwear, fashion, beauty, sunglasses and electronic products, especially accessories such as batteries, chargers and mobile phone cases.problemcommodityConcentrated in Brazil, Mexico and Argentina, then other countriesSite.Juan Cicheroexpress


Juan Cichero said that they have been taking actions to reduce piracy and counterfeiting on e-commerce platforms for many years. For example,theyThere is a brand protection plan,Companies or brands selling on Meikeduo platformYou can join the program for free,andreportSold on the platformPossible violation of their rightscommodityThe more complaints we receive, the moreclueTo help auditMerchandise.”Juan CicheroSay.


In addition,Mercado Libre has different artificial intelligence models and machine learning algorithms to detect possible trademark infringementcommodityFor example, the company currently has a language recognition system, which can identify keywords that may be counterfeit or pirated sales, such as approximate words to identify brands and trademarks, orproductPrice andbrandProduct does not conform.


Previously, Mercado has announced thatPink、Tommy HilfigerAndma, Victoria's Secret and other brands have established an anti piracy alliance. Through the alliance of platform and brand cooperation, we will crack down on the sale of counterfeit products in the e-commerce ecosystem.

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