Recently, Russian e-commerce giantWildberry announced the sales of the platform in 2021. The data shows that,In 2021, the number of products purchased through the platform will exceed 1 billion,If compared with the total number of people in the world, it is equivalent to that every eighth of the earth's residents have a product.
In terms of specific categories,Sold30 million T-shirts, 15 million cans of cream,41 million children's toys, 4 million toys over the age of 18, and 180 million chocolates。In addition, Christmas related products also account for an important part, such as370000 Christmas trees, 5 million wreaths and 2.2 million Christmas tree decorations.
The number of Wildberry team also increased, with about 90000 employees, includingCourier, order pickerIT experts, staff at pickup points,This figure is almost double that of last year.
In addition, the number of sellers has increased significantly. It is reported that,In 2021, 400000 new sellers will be settled, and now the total number of sellers has exceeded 500000.reachAt the end of 2021platformalreadyopen upA quarter of the global market,Currently orientedThe total area of all countries has increased1.7 times, reaching 31.4 million square kilometers.
2021,Wildberry expanded11 new countries,The business scope has reached19 countries。The newly developed countries includeUSAUKGermany, France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Moldova, Türkiye and other markets.
In terms of the scope of distributionRussiaarriveFarthest orderyeschukchi region,Distance approx6000 km,mostlongOur foreign routes are orders from Russia to the United States,exceed8600 km。amongtwo thousand and twenty-oneThe most expensive order is342500 rubles's graphics card。
Some time ago,Wildberry began to use charter service to deliver orders, which made e-commerce in the Far East possible and accelerated the delivery process to consumers in remote areas. In additionStrengthenedstayLogistics infrastructure in the Far East.
As the largest e-commerce platform in Russia,The subsequent development of Wildberries is worthy of our expectation.