Sell the store to buy a house in Sanya for elderly care, and Amazon's "Wangpu" has been acquired one after another!


Author:He Ying
Source: ennews

After a year of fermentation, sellers are no longer unfamiliar with the acquisition of Amazon stores by capital. Now with theAccel Club et alMore and more acquiring companies are flocking, and the acquisition prices are also rising,Previously, the quotation was generally3-5 times the annual gross profit, according to feedback, it has now increased to 6 times.


The market situation of Amazon in 2021 is also evident to everyone: a large number of sellers have fallen under the wave of account lockdowns, policies are changing, logistics congestion, prices are skyrocketing, and the peak season is silent. So many sellers no longer resist selling their Amazon stores as they used to. Even some sellers actively contact capital and exclaim that they want to sell themselves, but they have no capital to find themselves.


And those who successfully sell themselves happily start planning their next lives.


I have already sold myself and am preparing to buy a house in Sanya for retirement


One night four years ago, seller Catherine Seifert had the idea in her dream of creating a small tool for placing handbags in cars. It was this sudden desire that made her a fortune on Amazon in the future, and in 2021, it also attracted the attention of 20 capital firms.


At that time, this small tool exceededRanked 24th among 500000 types of automotive products, with social recognition from over 6000 satisfied customers, it can be said to be very excellent.


In the end, Catherine sold the brand to a leading acquisition company in the United States. In fact, a year ago, the company had sent her an email, but she treated it as a scam and put it in a spam mailbox.Its URL looks strange, "Catherine said.


This is not surprising, because six months ago, many sellers also had the idea that this was just a means for malicious people to cheat store data, or their goal was to select products. But half a year has passed, and many sellers, like Catherine, have successfully sold their Amazon stores.


Some people say that he has already sold two brands and plans to get his blood back. Someone has sold multiple projects jointly operated with others. Some people are relieved to say that their brand has been soldI am planning to go to Sanya and buy a house to provide for my elderly with over 5 million yuan.


At present, there are two reasons why sellers are selling themselves one after another. One is that the market is not good and Amazon is becoming increasingly difficult to doEspecially evident in 2021; The other is due to the influx of large amounts of capital, and fierce competition is driving up acquisition prices. As is well known, the purchase price in the market is generally priced at 3-5 times the annual gross profit for the entire year,But according to feedbackIn the fourth quarter of 2021, the annual gross profit has increased to six times.That is to say,If the seller has been doing it for a yearWith a sales revenue of 10 million yuan and a gross profit margin of 20%, the annual gross profit is 2 million yuan, which is 6 times the annual gross profit of 12 million yuan. Regardless of growth factors, it is equivalent to receiving gross profit income for the next 6 years.


Under the suppression of the market and the stimulation of capital, sellers have expressed that they should take the money and leave Amazon as soon as possible.


Capital monopoly, selling early is a good thing;

——Today is cruel, tomorrow is even more cruel, but the day after tomorrow is beautiful. The vast majority of people die tomorrow night, so it's better to fall into the bag;

——I sold it, and the time spent with the store is even longer than the time spent with my son


Although many sellers have expressed their desire to sell their stores, if they want to sell, capital may not necessarily be collected. Many sellers have expressed that they have received inquiries from capital via text messages, phone calls, or emails, but there are not many transactions. Sellers claim that there is a capital valuationWe bought our own brand for 7 million US dollars and went to our doorstep for tea, but in the end, there was no further discussion.


However, this situation may be broken after more capital financing flows in.


Accel Club received $170 million in financing, focusing on the acquisition of Chinese seller stores


According to Marketplace Pulse data, in January 2021, Chinese sellers accounted for 75% of Amazon's new sellers, a significant increase from 47% in 2020.


In fact, the proportion of Chinese sellers among Amazon's global sellers has been increasing in recent years. Last yearAt the beginning of 2021, there was a sharp surge.


Data display,From 16% to 22% in 2017, from 23% to 26% in 2018, from 26% to 33% in 2019, and from 35% to 42% in 2020, the proportion of GMV also maintains a similar trend.


according toAccording to a report released by Marketplace, 62% of Amazon's global GMV in 2020 came from third-party sellers, which is higher than 60% in 2019 and 58% in 2018.


Based on this, many acquiring companies immediately turn their targets to Chinese sellers after obtaining financing.


Marketplace stated that out of 89 active Amazon brand acquisition companies, 46 have announced financing, of which 29 have raised at least $100 million.


Accel Club is one of them.On November 30, 2021, Accel Club announced the acquisition of $170 million in Series A financing.This round of financing is funded byRedseed and North Wall Capital led the investment, while Flyer One Ventures followed suit.


Not surprisingly,Accel Club has also set its sights on acquiring in China. It is reported that this acquisition company, established in Amsterdam, the Netherlands in 2020,Its acquisition and integration business mainly focuses on Amazon sellers in Europe, America, and China.sinceSince February 2021, Accel Club's revenue has reached tens of millions of dollars multiple times, and its team members have now grown to over 100 employees.


Compared to other acquiring companies,Accel Club is equally strong. This is not only reflected in its strong financial resources, but also in the professionalism of the team.


It is reported that,Accel Club was founded by Max Firsov and Nick Tuzenko. Max has over 15 years of experience in e-commerce. He is the founder and CEO of Yandex. Eats and the head of Yandex Food Technology Services. Nick previously worked at the Boston Consulting Group and served as the Managing Director of Busfor, which was acquired by BlaBlaBlaCar in 2019. In addition, the core team has years of experience in the e-commerce, technology, and consulting industries, and comes from well-known enterprises such as Alibaba, McKinsey, Procter&Gamble, L'Oreal, and Google.


Max Firsov stated that in the online market, traditional consumer goods companies are losing market share and replacing them with emerging brands that offer high-quality and affordable products. Accel Club will provide different operational methods for these two businesses through expertise in operations, supply chain, and marketing, helping them establish online businesses.


It is understood that,Accel Club is expected to complete over 50 by the end of the yearIn order to better connect with Chinese sellers, it also plans to establish an office in China.


What is the size, growth, and profit of the sellerAccel ClubDetermine the three main indicators of the acquired track and brand. And in terms of the acquisition price that the seller is concerned about,Accel ClubIt is said that it will acquire the brand through higher prices and a large proportion of cash compared to its competitors. The specific operation is to:The method of "profit+growth dividend".It is worth noting that unlike some competitors who determine dividends based on profits and sellers, which blurs the brand's value indicators,Accel Club calculates dividends based on income.


As a sellerWant to sell your own store/Brand, can be long pressedrecognition/Scan the QR code below,contactAccel Club, get in touch quickly.

Cross border e-commerce platforms sell stores to buy homes and elderly care in Sanya, and Amazon's "Wangpu" has been acquired one after another!

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