65% of Americans plan to buy DTC brand products, down from the previous year


Author:Yu Xiaoying
Source: ennews

according toThe 2022 Direct to Consumer Purchase Intent Index released by Diffusion,Only slightly more than half (nearly 60%) of Americans have at leastOnce purchased from DTC brand.


In a project forIn the survey of 1185 American adults, 65% of respondents plan to buy DTC products at least once in 2022, a decrease from 79% the previous year.


The results of the report indicate that,DTC brand is difficult to win the favor of American consumers, especially when competing with traditional retailers.


stayIn the busiest shopping season in 2021, 43% of people do not plan to buy DTC brand products. When asked why, 23% said they could get better prices from traditional retailers, and 21% said they could find similar products from traditional retailers at a more appropriate cost.


of course,DTC brand is not without advantages. For those who love to buy DTC brand products, 23% of them said that the quality of products they provided was higher, and 18% said that DTC brand provided better customer service and experience.


In addition to price and quality, the delivery service is also reducedOne of the factors that make DTC brand feel good. 40% of respondents said that fast and free delivery is one reason why they choose traditional retailers over DTC brands. If DTC brand wants to win consumers' favor from traditional retailers, free and fast delivery is the key.


In addition, physical convenience and accessibility play a great role,32% of consumers think this is one of the reasons why they prefer traditional retailers to DTC brands. Some local digital brands are also aware of this. In recent years, DTC brand has increasingly cooperated with retailers with large stores such as Target and Wal Mart. Cooperation with retail giants has reduced the high cost of online marketing products to a certain extent.


It should also be noted that some consumers are not easy to beMoved by the modern marketing strategy of DTC brand, 62% of respondents said that online celebrity marketing did not work for them. In fact, 25% of American adults said that they were unlikely to buy DTC brand products when they saw the posts about DTC brand products published by online celebrities. Only 13% of people said that seeing the posts about DTC brand published by online celebrities would prompt them to buy.


However, Xiao Bian believes that each channel has its advantages and disadvantages, and sellers may wish to integrate multiple platforms to learn from each other.

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