Noon News | Tencent officially launched the PC version QQ show; Musk's younger brother sold more than 100 million dollars of Tesla stock


Source: iResearch

Introduction:Tencent officially launched the PC version of QQ show; Musk's younger brother sold more than 100 million dollars of Tesla stock

Musk's younger brother sold more than 100 million dollars of Tesla stock

According to the report of the Wall Street Journal on November 9 quoted by InterfaceNews, Kimbal Musk gained nearly $110 million by exercising Tesla stock options last Friday. After he made the deal, his brother Elon Musk asked last weekendTwitterWhether the user should sell a large amount of Tesla shares. Kimbal Musk is a member of Tesla's Board of Directors.

Last Friday, KimbalMusk exercised his Tesla stock option to purchase 25000 Tesla shares at a price of $74.17 per share, and then immediately sold them in batches. The selling price ranged from $1223 per share to $1236 per share, realizing about $108.8 million. At present, KimbalMusk still holds more than 511000 Tesla shares, which are worth about US $594 million according to the closing price on Monday.

: - 0 On the evening of November 9, Tesla's stock suddenly plunged, with the highest intraday drop of 12%. As of the closing of the U.S. stock market, it had dropped 11.99%, and the market value on that day was 1.03 trillion dollars.

tencentOfficially offline PC version QQ show

On November 9, it was reported that in the latest PC version of QQ 9.5.2, Tencent officially launched the PC version of QQ Show, and users will no longer be able to see their own QQ show appearance. QQ show first appeared in the version of QQ2000CBulid1230beta2patch, which is a QQ virtual image design system. The virtual costumes, scenes and characters of the QQ show mall can be used to dress up the virtual images displayed by users in QQ on the PC side, and the whole QQ show can be used for free by using the red diamond.

According to the Tencent customer service official, the QQ show red diamond nobles stopped recharging last year. Tencent customer service confirmed that QQ show has been offline, and recommended users to use cm show in mobile QQ, which is a virtual image design system launched by Tencent for mobile QQ.

: - 0 Join Yeqing Knot Package.

Sydney Live Broadcasting Team Exposes Employee Corruption Case, Corruption 3 Million

According to media reports, according to a screenshot of the company's bulletin provided by insiders, an employee of Shengheng Culture was investigated and detained criminally on suspicion of bribery by non state staff. According to the report of the company, after investigation and verification by Shengheng Culture Integrity Supervision Department, since October 2020, when Sun was an employee of the company, he took advantage of his responsibility to supplement the category of duties, accepted huge interests from his partners, filled his own pockets, caused huge economic loss and reputation damage to the company, and was suspected of bribery and job embezzlement by non national staff.

: - 0 eating melons

Zhejiang Provincial Consumer Protection Commission interviewed Aiqiyi, etcVideo websiteRectification required

Recently, the Zhejiang Provincial Consumer Insurance Commission has made an interview with "members still need to seeadvertisement”IQiYi, Youku, Tencent Video, Sohu and PPTV. The committee has asked all platforms to take seriously and rectify the above problems as soon as possible. The platform needs to submit a written rectification report to the committee before November 12. In addition to the above five platforms, the person in charge of video and audio websites of Mango TV, LeTV, Himalaya and Dragonfly FM were also interviewed by Zhejiang Provincial Consumer Protection Commission.

: - 0 Can you really wait for the day when members don't have to watch advertisements for a second?

Tencent's plan to upgrade employee care

Goose Factory Blackboard News WeChat official account, on November 9, Tencent again upgraded employee benefits and announced a comprehensive upgrade of employee "career milestone" care program. In the new scheme, employees' "career milestones" will be upgraded from the past three nodes to six, namely, from the original one year, ten years, and twenty years of employment to six important nodes, namely, one year, five years, ten years, fifteen years, twenty years, and statutory retirement. Employees at each node can enjoy different physical gifts or special rights and interests.

: - 0 Large factories can also be involved in optimizing employees' rights and interests.

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