Deep data analysis gives you the fastest double 11 recall. The iResearch data analyst will help you deeply analyze the new trend of beauty makeup and do the required courses before making decisions.


Author:Where is the opportunity of beauty and skin care industry in the new consumption era
Source: iResearch

Introduction:Deep data analysis gives you the fastest double 11 recall. The iResearch data analyst will help you deeply analyze the new trend of beauty makeup and do the required courses before making decisions.

Where are the opportunities for the beauty and skin care industry in the new consumption era of cross-border e-commerce logistics

Deep data analysis gives you the fastestDouble 11replay


market| How to seize the opportunity in the new consumption era
industry| What are the new trends in the beauty and skin care industry and how to break the situation
product| Hit 8 pain points in 2 sub categories of essence and perfume
Marketing| Double 11 data replication, how to controladvertisementLaunch and move accuratelyconsumer

IResearch data analysts can help you deeply analyze the new trend of cosmetics, and do the required courses before making decisions

There are also 7 data reports for free!!

Where are the opportunities for the beauty and skin care industry in the new consumption era of cross-border e-commerce logistics

Activity Overview

Live broadcast theme: where is the opportunity of beauty and skin care industry in the new consumption era

Live guest:IResearch ConsultingResearch Director Xiong Ying

Live time: 15:00-16:00, November 16 (Tuesday)

Where are the opportunities of beauty and skin care industry in the era of new cross-border consumption

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