Sailing Daily | From January to November, the installed capacity of power batteries in the world reached 31.8% in Ningde Times; Tokopedia has 1.5 times more sellers this year than last year


Author:36 krypton goes to sea
Source: 36kr

Globalization of Chinese companies

Organization: From January to November, the installed capacity of power battery in Ningde Times accounted for 31.8%.According to the Associated Press of Finance, the data released by SNE Research, a market research institution in South Korea, shows that from January to November this year, Ningde Times still maintained its leading position in the electric vehicle battery market. Ningde Times ranked first with a market share of 31.8%, 10 percentage points higher than LG Energy Solutions, which ranked second. BYD ranked fourth with a market share of 9%. SNE Research pointed out that from January to November this year, Chinese enterprises led the growth of the electric vehicle battery market. Compared with the same period last year, Ningde Times and BYD increased by 180% and 192% respectively.

In the first 11 months, China's imports and exports to 14 other RCEP member countries amounted to nearly 11 trillion yuan.According to Xinhua News Agency, the General Administration of Customs released data on the 29th that in the first 11 months of this year, China's total import and export value to 14 other members of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) was 10.96 trillion yuan, accounting for 31% of China's total foreign trade value. RCEP members include 5 countries including China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and 10 ASEAN countries. At present, 6 ASEAN member countries and 4 non ASEAN member countries have formally submitted their letters of approval, which has reached the threshold for the agreement to enter into force and will enter into force on January 1, 2022.

Southeast Asia

Tokopedia has 1.5 times more sellers this year than last year.According to Indonesian media, Suara Com reported that the Hyperlocal plan implemented by Tokopedia increased the sales of Tokopedia at the end of this year, especially in western Indonesia. It is reported that Tokopedia plans to tailor to the needs of each region in Indonesia, aiming to shorten the distance between buyers and sellers, so that consumers can shop more efficiently, and provide the same growth opportunities for small, medium-sized and micro enterprise sellers throughout Indonesia. An internal survey of Tokopedia shows that by the end of 2021, the number of sellers of the platform has increased by about 1.5 times over the same period last year, especially from western Indonesia. At the same time, the number of transactions increased nearly twice on a year-on-year basis.

Senheng New Retail Berhad planned to raise US $64.12 million in its IPO.According to Shihua Daily, under the IPO plan, Senheng New Retail Berhad, a Malaysian electrical appliance retailer, issued 250 million new shares at RM1.07 per share and raised RM267.5 million (about US $64.12 million) to open new branches and upgrade existing stores. Emerging Group is expected to be listed on the main board of the Malaysia Stock Exchange on January 25 next year. Xinxing Group, founded in 1989, is one of the largest electrical retail groups in Malaysia.


Indian online education startup Teachmint acquired the video interactive platform Airland.According to The Economic Times, Indian education startup Teachmint announced on Wednesday that it would buy the video interactive platform Airland in the form of cash and stock. The company said in a statement that through this transaction, Teachmint has strengthened its developer platform called Teachstack. Teachmint was founded in May 2020. Teachers can conduct online teaching through screen sharing and other methods.

Zetwark, an Indian enterprise service platform, received US $210 million in financing.According to Inc42, this round of financing is led by Greenoaks Capital and co invested by D1 Capital, IIFL, ICONIQ and Steadview Capital. It is reported that after this round of financing, the company's valuation rose to $2.5 billion. Zetwark was established in 2018 to connect OEM manufacturers and EPC (engineering procurement and construction) customers with large and small enterprises in the manufacturing industry. Its service fields include infrastructure, aerospace and electric vehicles.

Europe and America

Musk's SpaceX refinanced more than $330 million.According to the Associated Press of Finance, SpaceX disclosed in a document submitted to regulators on Wednesday that the company has raised more than 337 million dollars through equity financing. After a secondary stock offering in October, SpaceX's valuation reached $100 billion.

The competition in Tesla's battery business has intensified, and Northvolt, Sweden's first lithium-ion battery, went offline.According to Sina Finance, Northvolt, a Swedish battery manufacturer, announced on its official website that the company had successfully produced its first lithium-ion battery in Ett's super factory. The battery had been taken off the production line of its super factory on December 28 and commercial delivery would begin in 2022. Northvolt also mentioned in the announcement that in the coming years, Ett Super Factory will expand its production capacity by 60 GWh per year to cope with the orders of 30 billion dollars that the company has received. These key customers include Volkswagen, BMW, Fluence, Scania, Volvo and Polar Star.

Australia and New Zealand

New Zealand electronic technology company McKay acquired 35% shares of WEBBCo Shipyard.According to International Ship Network, New Zealand electronic technology company Mckay recently announced that it has reached an agreement to own 35% of the shares of Wellington Electric Boat Building Company (WEBBCo), a New Zealand shipbuilding enterprise. It is understood that WEBBCo mainly builds and supplies all electric ferries made of composite materials, while McKay was once the electrical system partner of WEBBCo in designing and building the "Ika Re" carbon fiber ferry with a length of 19 meters and a capacity of 132 passengers for the ship owner East by West Ferry Company. McKay is a vertically integrated electronic technology company with 83 years of history, whose business covers most of New Zealand.

Trajan, an Australian manufacturer of life science products, acquired Neotheryx, an American blood micro sampling equipment company.According to 61 Financial, Trajan, an Australian manufacturer of life science products, announced on Thursday that it had completed the acquisition of Neotheryx, LLC, a California blood micro sampling equipment company. According to the agreement, Trajan acquired 100% shares of Neoterryx and the rest of its global business through stock swap and cash payment arrangements. Trajan Group Holdings Limited is a global developer and manufacturer of analytical scientific instruments, equipment and solutions headquartered in Australia, with businesses in Australia, the United States, Europe and Asia. Trajan designs and manufactures a range of precision consumable products, equipment and solutions for the analysis of biological, food and environmental samples.


Samsung plans to acquire Bojian, an American biopharmaceutical company, for 50 trillion won, or set a record for the largest overseas acquisition by a Korean enterprise.According to the Associated Press of Finance, Samsung Group is negotiating to acquire Biogen, an American biopharmaceutical company. If the acquisition is successful, Samsung will become one of the global biomedical technology giants. The industry predicts that the acquisition amount will exceed 50 trillion won (about 267.4 billion yuan). Samsung Group has completed the prior evaluation on the acquisition of Bojian Shares and will formally start negotiations. Samsung and Bojian jointly invested in the establishment of Samsung Bioepis in 2012, with Samsung holding 51% and Bojian holding 49%.

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Cross border Sailing Daily | The installed capacity of power batteries in January November reached 31.8% in Ningde Times; Tokopedia has 1.5 times more sellers this year than last year

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