What are Amazon terms and abbreviations related to logistics and transportation


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

What are Amazon terms and abbreviations related to cross-border shipping and logistics transportation

AmazonThe platform has many terms. This article will introduce someAmazon LogisticsTechnical terms and abbreviations forAmazon Sellerreference resources.

IAbbreviation of Amazon Logistics Terms

one3PLthird-party logistics provider

Blue Ocean Yiguan has learned that,Third party logistics supplier, that isOutsourcing partners dealing with logistics

twoBOLbill of lading

Bill of LadingInclude all shipped goodslistingReceipt of shipped productsAnd all terms and conditions related to transportation

threeFBAFulfilled by Amazon

FBAIt is an Amazon logistics method,Allows sellers to ship and store their products in bulk toAmazon Distribution Center。 Once a user places an order,AmazonmeetingHandle all transportation and logistics

FBA products will automatically receive Amazon Prime's two-day free delivery service.

fourFBMFulfilled by Merchant Network

FBM The brand is on AmazonProducts soldAfter,sellerOne that handles all links such as logistics, transportation and handlinglogisticsMethod. This method and MFNbe similar

fiveFCfulfillment center

Amazon warehouse

sixFTLfull truckload

A pallet shipment,goodstakepack fullFull space of trailer

sevenLTLless than truckload

Less than one carload,Pallet shipment, CargoThe space occupied is less than the total space of the trailer

eightIPIinventory performance indexscore

Inventory performanceIndex score,This is a key indicator of Amazon to measure the efficiency and productivity of sellers in managing FBA inventory

nineMFNMerchant fulfillment Network

one kindlogisticsMethod, in which the brand passes AmazonTransport orders and deal with all aspects of order issues。 This method is similar to FBMas if

tenSFPSeller fulfillment Prime

one kindlogisticsmodeThat is, sellers meeting Amazon Prime quality standardsUse Amazon Seller CenterStorage inventoryAnd shipping. SFPsellerAbility to use Prime shipping badgeFasterincreasecustomerConversion rate

IIOther Amazon logistics terms

oneA-Z Claim

A to Zclaim demage, that isWhen customers buy directly from the sellerproductThe guarantee provided by AmazonensureIncluding timely and complete delivery of products


one kindLogistics mode, the seller from a third-party supplierplacePurchase products and ship them directly to customers. In other words, oncecustomerstayAmazonThe order was placed,Third partysuppliertakeReceive the order and ship it out.


Blue Ocean Yiguan learned that this is an Amazon paid subscription member,Shipping discounts, Prime Video and other Amazon servicesAccess rights.

fourStranded inventoryStranded stock

Inventory of distribution centerNot on AmazonAn active listing.

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