The first national standard for cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouse was officially launched!


Author:Yu Xiaoying
Source: ennews

recentlyNational standard of Requirements for Operation and Management of Overseas Warehouse of Cross border E-Commerce(Hereinafter referred to as "Standards")The kick-off meeting was successfully held.


this yearOctober《standard》The project has been approved. Next, Zhejiang Institute of StandardizationandAs the main drafting unit, Hangzhou Cross border E-Commerce Association will organize relevant enterprises in the industry, continue to promote the nationwide research work, extensively solicit the opinions and suggestions of experts in various regions and fields, and further improve the applicability and operability of the standard.


At present,The number of overseas warehouses in China hasthroughexceedtoo2000, covering an area of more thantoo16 million square meters, but the national standards related to overseas warehouses are still blank.


Li Xinghui, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of Hangzhou Cross border E-Commerce Association, pointed out that as the first national standard for cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouse in China, the formulation of this standard has several characteristics:


First, innovation,"Cross border e-commerce" and "overseas warehouse" have not been officially defined before, which is a process of gradually reaching consensus in the industry. The establishment of this standard has expanded the connotation and extension;


Second, it is challenging. As the main user of overseas warehouses is the overseas infrastructure of Chinese enterprises, its standards should be updated in real time according to the changes of the situation and enterprise applications. Before the formal project is approved, the draft should be changed according to the opinions of the review experts, and it will be further revised according to the feedback from the industry;


Third, the applicability. The cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouse has a long link, many functions, and various forms. There is a need to further standardize the operation management. I hope this standard can be truly implemented, applied, and promoted in the industry after it is formulated.


In recent years, the state has attached great importance to cross-border e-commerce. In addition to improving relevant standards for overseas warehouses,Recently, Guangdong said that it would increase the construction of overseas warehouses.


stayIn the Notice on Several Policies and Measures to Promote the High Quality Development of Cross border E-Commerce issued in early December, Guangdong expressed support for the construction of cross-border e-commerce overseas warehouses.


Guangdong encourages enterprises toCountries and regions along the "the Belt and Road" and RCEP member countries carry out overseas warehouse construction, expand the layout of overseas warehouses in European and American markets, and support overseas warehouse enterprises to develop intelligent warehousing technology and expand air cargo business.


In addition, financial policy support will be given to provincial public overseas warehouses selected as excellent overseas warehouse practice cases by the Ministry of Commerce; Financial institutions are encouraged to strengthen the information reserve for the comprehensive evaluation of overseas warehouse enterprises and provide financing services for qualified enterprises.


Guangdong said that toIn 2025, we will strive to build 500 overseas warehouses with a total area of more than 4 million square meters, and gradually form a professional and intelligent overseas warehouse network.

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