In 2022, the development trend of e-commerce platforms in Latin America will not decrease, and Shopee will have the most downloads?


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

Cross border information In 2022, the development trend of e-commerce platforms in Latin America will not decrease, and Shope will have the largest number of downloads?

According to the data of Americas Market Intelligence (AMI),Latin AmericaThe online sales of will increase by 29% from 2020 to 2024, reaching 580 billion US dollars, which should bring different opportunities to sellers. At the same time,ShopeeCome from behind and take the leadBrazilDownloads exceeded all e-commerce platforms.

ILatin AmericanOnline sales are growing

Blueocean Yiguan has learned that, in general, e-commerce sales in almost all countries in Latin America are growing at double-digit or even triple digit rates.

1. According to MasterCard's SpendingPulse report, the largest market in Latin America in 2020BrazilianOnline sales75% year-on-year growth。 The Brazilian e-commerce association ABComm reported a 68% increase last year to 126 billion reais (23 billion US dollars).

2. According to the Mexican Online Sales Association (AMVO),MexicoIn 2020, its e-commerce will reach 316 billion pesos (15 billion US dollars), an annual growth of 81%, accounting for 9% of the total retail sales.

In the first half of the year, Mexican SMEs doubled their sales through digital channels. AMVO estimates that by the end of the year, digital channel sales will account for 25% of the total sales of SMEs.

3. At the same timeArgentinaCace, the local e-commerce chamber of commerce, reported that online sales increased by 124% in 2020. The sales volume doubled in the first half of this year, with a year-on-year growth of 101%.

2、 Mercado LibreAmazon and others invest heavily in logistics

MercadoLibreAmazon, Brazil's Magazine Luiza invest heavily in logisticstransportHas been building and expandinglogisticsCenter,seekDifferent modes of transportation, as far as possibleOn that dayOr two daysInternal delivery package

oneIn the third quarter,MercadoLibreOf the items sold,Nearly 80% arrived within 48 hours。 Mercado Libre reports that Latin America has more than 12 million sellers, ranging from individuals to large companies, and 78 million active users.

twoAmazonAlso inEffort。 In Brazil,AmazonRecently opened the 10th distribution center, includingfourInSao Paulo。 In Mexico, Amazon also has 10 distribution centers, and launched 4 in September alone. Amazon claims to have 185 distribution centers worldwide.

threeAccording to local media,ShopeeIt is building its first distribution center in Brazil. This indicates that Shopee hopes to improve its logistics level and compete with its competitors. Shopee also operates in Mexicoplatform, recently announced to start in ArgentinaSet up a site

3、 Among Latin American e-commerce apps, Shopee has the most downloads

According to the data of Ebanx and AMI based on 15 economies in Latin America, nearly 60% of e-commerce transactions will be paid by mobile phone in 2021, up from 55% in 2020.

In 2019, the mobile market share was 44%, and only 39% in 2018. The growth of e-commerce APP downloads illustrates this trend.

1. According to the data of mobile marketing analysis platform Adjust, in 2021, Brazil will rank second, surpassing China and only next to India in terms of downloads.  

2. According to the statistics of Adjust,As of September this year, Shopee is the most downloaded e-commerce APPBrazil leads the world in downloads, accounting for 32% of total downloads.

threeAccording to Blue Ocean Yiguan,Through active marketing activities in Brazil and Mexico, Shopee has become one of the fastest growing e-commerce platforms in the region. Similarweb data shows that,From January to September this year, the traffic of Shopee Brazil Station increased by nearly 900%.

4. Shopee downloads in Mexico are also growing rapidly. According to Ebanx,Currently, Shopee ranks seventh among Mexican e-commerce apps in terms of downloads.

fiveMercadoLibreIt is a leading e-commerce app in Mexico, Chile and Colombia, ranking second in Brazil.

6. According to Ebanx's research, regional department stores such as Liverpool and Coppel in Mexico and Falabella in Chile and Colombia have also successfully attracted users to download their mobile apps, ranking among the top 10 in these countries.

(Polly ZhangNew media of cross-border e-commerce - Blue Ocean Yiguan website domain news) connects with high-quality resources of cross-border e-commerce.Wal Mart, CoupangWayfair 、Mercado Libre and other platforms settledBrand copywriting planning, network wide promotion, e-commerce training, incubation and other services, please contact us. No unauthorizedRewriting, reprinting, copying, clipping and editingIn whole or in part.

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