Sellers can use these Amazon scanning apps to check product data


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

Cross border outbound sellers can use these Amazon scanning apps to check product data

AmazonIt is a highly competitive platform, and the sellersAmazon Buy BoxSearch ranking, especially in sales. In order to surpass competitors, sellers should useAmazon Seller Tools, such as the seller scanning APP.

Amazon novice sellerProbably the first timeAmazonThe seller scans the APP; Experienced sellers are already using scanning APP to help them quickly check potentialAmazon InventoryBasic data of.

IWhat is Amazon seller scanning APP?

Blueocean Yiguan learned that Amazon seller scanning APP is a seller tool to help Amazon sellers carry out retail arbitrage activities. It provides information about products when scanning the barcode of products.

Because it uses barcodes, this Amazon seller tool is sometimes calledAmazon barcode scanning APP。 A typical Amazon seller scanAPPIt can immediately show the potential profits of the product, the overall demand of the product, and even valuable competitive data.

Other indicators displayed by Amazon seller scanning APP may also include product qualification, market performance and other historical data. Generally, the depth of information displayed depends on whether the seller scans the APP for free or for a fee.

IIHow to use scanner APP?

It is very simple to use Amazon sellers to scan the APP. Sellers need to use smartphones to download the APP to scan the barcode of goods.

According to the Amazon barcode scanning app downloaded by the seller, just activate the barcode scanning function of the app and start scanning the barcode on the product package. This is similar to how QR scanners work.

If the seller isWal-MartorTargetWhen you see a product with a barcode, you can scan the barcode on the product package to understand theAmazon Ranking, sales performance, and other important details.

IIISome widely used Amazon sellers scan apps

1.Amazon Seller App

To facilitate Amazon sellers, Amazon launchedAmazon Seller App, registered Amazon sellers can easily use the app.

All the seller has to do is download the app and install it on the phone. If notAmazon seller account, sellers need to register before using the app.

This Amazon seller scanner can provide the seller with product information, including Amazon prices, product categories, FBA fees, potential profitsAmazon Best Sellers RankAnd competitors on the platform.

(1)Compatibility: Android and iOS.

(2)Fees: Free.

(3)It can be downloaded from Apple and Google APP stores.

E-commerce platform sellers can use these Amazon scanning apps to check product data

2.Scoutify 2

Similar to Amazon Seller App, Scoutify can also scan product barcode through mobile phone. Once the product is scanned, the App will display the price, potential profit, product ranking, etc. of the product on Amazon.

However, since this is an advanced software, sellers can enjoy better features, such as faster product scanning, and more accurate profit estimates through tax or customs fees.

In addition, the seller can scan the app and connect it with Amazon's price tracking software such as Keepa and Camel Camel Camel.

(1)Compatibility: Android and iOS.

(2)Cost: An InventoryLab subscription is required.

(3)It can be downloaded from Apple and Google APP stores.

3.ScanPower Mobile

The function of this app is similar to that of the previously mentioned app. It scans the barcode to display relevant product information.

With its characteristics, sellers can better understand the current market pricing and consumer demand. In addition, Lanhai Yiguan learned that if the scanned barcode does not appear, the seller can also search APP through ASIN, UPC, ISBN or keywords.

(1)Compatibility: Android and iOS.

(2)Cost: ScanPower subscription is required.

(3)It can be downloaded from Apple and Google APP stores.

(Article/Polly Zhang, a cross-border e-commerce blue ocean Yiguan website) Docking cross-border e-commerce high-quality resources.Wal Mart, CoupangWayfair 、Mercado Libre and other platforms settledBrand copywriting planning, network wide promotion, e-commerce training, incubation and other services, please contact us. No unauthorizedRewriting, reprinting, copying, clipping and editingIn whole or in part.

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