Yesterday,EBay has released a new announcement stating that sellers now need to provide some additional information.
EBay emphasizes that according to the legal provisions of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in France,The seller needs to provideAdditional information is provided in the publication of some categories on the eBay platform.EPR aims to help reduce and manage waste and promote sustainable development. Sellers can view more information on eBay's help page.
Subsequently,EBay reminds sellers to understand the following EPR legal summary:
1Unique identification code(Unique Producer Identification Numbers (UPIN)
Unique identification code(UPIN provides information about the product, all packaging added to the product, and all paper documents added to the package.
2Ecological participation fees (also known asCharge back)
This cost is the recycling cost for furniture and electronic appliances related categories.
3Repair rating
The purpose of repair scoring is tohelpBuyers understand the difficulty of product repair. The product will be repaired based on the degree of difficultyRate from 1 to 10.
4Recycling policy
In some cases, whensellerWhen selling a brand new item, a free recycling service must be provided to the buyer.EBay ReminderpleaseSeller andEco-organisme or logisticssupplyDiscuss the next steps.
Eco-organisme is a company approved and authorized by relevant departments,The company's officeExtension of producer responsibility(Within the legal framework of EPR,Manage products launched on the marketstayEnd of Life CyclePosteriorRelated matters (including collection, classification, recycling, and repair of waste).
In addition,EBay stated that sellers may need to take the following steps in accordance with EPR policy requirements:
1If the seller produces or imports goods in France, they will need to provide relevantEco-organisme for registration. (Each Eco-organisme manages different categories.)
2If the seller sells items produced or imported into France, they will need to contact the supplier to ensure that the items have met the requirementsEPR related regulations.
3sellerWe will receive more information in the coming weeks,EBay will informsellerHow to modifyPublished on eBay France websiteProduct information forTo comply with relevant regulations.
Meanwhile,EBay recommends that sellers consult legal advisors to understand and prepare for the upcoming measures.