Alibaba International Station collaborates with universities such as Tsinghua University to jointly promote a cross-border e-commerce talent creation camp for international students


Author:Crystal crystal
Source: ennews

On January 6th, Alibaba International Station, in collaboration with Tsinghua University and other universities, jointly launched the first cross-border e-commerce international student talent creation camp competition. The aim is to further explore and cultivate cross-border e-commerce talents, especially to explore a systematic talent cultivation model and path, and to cultivate international students who are urgently needed in the industry as cross-border e-commerce delivery experts. The first cross-border e-commerce international student talent creation camp competition was selected in Beijing, which belongs to the northern region of Alibaba International Station. It will be held in Shenzhen, Shanghai, and other places in the future.


Alibaba International, an e-commerce platform, collaborates with universities such as Tsinghua University to jointly promote a cross-border e-commerce talent creation camp for international students


The organizer of this competition, Alibaba International Station, is the world's largest cross-border platformB2B e-commerce platform, with sellers from over 140 countries and regions around the world and buyers covering over 200 countries and regions. As early as 2015, Alibaba International launched a cross-border e-commerce talent cultivation project, mainly aimed at providing professional training on cross-border e-commerce operations for college students. At the beginning of 2020, the "1+X" vocational training project of the Ministry of Education confirmed that Alibaba International Station is the exclusive training and evaluation organization for cross-border e-commerce B2B data operation talents. As of now, Alibaba International Station has cooperated with 513 universities nationwide, cultivating more than 350000 cross-border e-commerce professionals, and will also promote the construction of overseas talent pools.

Qingmei Zhaofeng (Beijing) Cultural Development Co., Ltd., as the organizer, is responsible for the operation and management of the competition, including the selection of contestants and technical guidance. It will also rely on the years of experience in incubating creative and employment talents from Tsinghua Wanbo and Qidi Star, and link support from local science and technology park investment funds and talent policies.

This cross-border e-commerce international student talent creation camp competition is a new attempt by Alibaba International Station to cultivate cross-border e-commerce talents. The competitions were established separatelyThe "Talent Award" and "Big Boss Award" are two major awards, with 3 winners of the Talent Award and 1 winner of the Big Boss Award. In addition to receiving honorary certificates, the winners of both awards will also receive an additional 10000 yuan in cash to encourage them to engage in the cross-border e-commerce industry. After establishing their company, all award-winning contestants have the opportunity to join the Qingmei Zhaofeng Live Entrepreneurship Accelerated Growth Program, serving a large number of customers and merchants on Alibaba International Station, further promoting economic integration between China and foreign countries.


Cross border e-commerce platform Alibaba International Station collaborates with universities such as Tsinghua University to jointly promote a cross-border e-commerce talent creation camp for international students


At present, after recommending candidates and conducting interviews with major universities in the early stages, there are20 contestants successfully broke through the tight encirclement from over 100 candidates and obtained formal entry qualifications. These 20 contestants come from over 10 countries including Cameroon, Rwanda, South Africa, and multiple domestic universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Beijing University of Science and Technology. They are all versatile individuals, not only possessing fluent spoken English and proficient skills in short video shooting and editing, but also having a cheerful and lively personality with strong expressive and cinematic skills. They are skilled at driving the audience's atmosphere through the camera while facilitating transactions. It is worth mentioning that several of these contestants areCultural ambassador.

These players will also go through the preliminary and final stages, and the preliminary stage is a knockout system20 in 10; The final will be further decided by the 10 outstanding candidates in the preliminary round. The content requirements of the competition require contestants to post high-quality short video content in their personal accounts on the Alibaba International Station content account. Based on the user views, likes, comments, followers, and comprehensive consumption data indicators of the participating videos released by the contestants, potential cross-border e-commerce influencers will be selected and selected.

Digital trade has become a new model of international trade and a new engine for world economic development. Cross border e-commerce, as an important component of digital trade, is promoting the arrival of the global digital trade era. At the same time as economic globalization, talent is also globalizing. The Cross border E-commerce International Student Talent Creation Camp Competition will continue to provide urgently needed emerging professional talents for the cross-border e-commerce industry.

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