American Holiday Online Sales Mute Fire? MasterCard has announced a significant increase of 60%!


Author:Yu Xiaoying
Source: ennews

This year's holiday sales still maintain a growth trend. According to data from MasterCard, during the holiday season(From November 1st to December 24th, retail sales in the United States (excluding car sales) increased by 8.5% year-on-year and 10.7% compared to 2019; Physical store shopping has experienced a recovery, with sales increasing by 8.1% compared to last year and 2.4% compared to 2019;Online sales still maintain strong growth compared to last year11%, which is a significant increase of 61.4% compared to 2019 before the epidemic.

 Going Abroad to the United States Holiday Online Sales Mute Fire? MasterCard has announced a significant increase of 60%!

Subdivide into specific categories,The sales of clothing categories have increased significantly this year compared to last year47.3%, an increase of 29% compared to 2019.Clothing has always been one of the most popular categories. Previous research institutionsNPD stated that with the easing of the epidemic and the increase in vaccination rates, people are gradually starting to socialize, and the demand for clothing is also significantly increasing.


In addition to clothing, consumer demand for jewelry has also experienced double-digit growth. The sales of holiday jewelry category have increased compared to last year this year32%, an increase of 26.2% compared to 2019.


according toPinterest's "2022 Global Fashion Trends Report", accessories will receive attention next year. And novel accessories such as dental and eye accessories driven by Generation Z will become a trend. Among them, the search volume for body drilling in Pinterest increased by 145%; Nail diamond decoration increased by 150%; The crystal eyewear has increased by 110%.


In addition, the sales of electronic products are also better than last year and have increased16.2%; Compared to 2019, it has increased by 19.8%. According to NPD's survey, electronic products are one of the top holiday gifts for consumers.


In recent years, smart homes have also become increasingly popular among consumers.According to NPD data, sales of smart home products in the United States increased by 21% from January to November this year compared to the same period last year. In addition to safety, consumers now also care about whether the product is convenient, energy-saving, and how the atmosphere feels.


Senior Advisor at MasterCardSteve Saver stated that concerns about supply chain issues have led many Americans to complete Christmas shopping ahead of schedule this year. According to data from MasterCard, the total retail sales in the United States increased by 8.6% year-on-year in the 75 days from October 11th to December 24th.


MasterCard also noticed that the Black Friday holiday(November 26th to November 28th is the highest spending holiday of the year. During this period, retail sales in the United States increased by 14.1% year-on-year. In store sales also rebounded, increasing by 16.5% year-on-year, while online sales continued to grow, increasing by 4.9% year-on-year.


Another point is that the share of e-commerce is increasing. According to MasterCard's investigation,From November 1st to December 24th, online sales accounted for 20.9% of total retail sales, up from 20.6% in 2020 and 14.6% in 2019.

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