"All people" cross-border e-commerce: the big brands of Chinese goods go to sea collectively, and ByteDance launches cross-border export APP!


Author:Liu Xia
Source: ennews

The competition in the field of cross-border e-commerce exports has escalated into a visible battle!


In the first half of 2021, the import and export volume of cross-border e-commerce in mainland China reached 886.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 28.6%. Among them, Guangzhou alone has gathered over 30000 cross-border e-commerce enterprises.


I heard that everyone who works on Amazon has made a fortune. Do you think I can do it


When cross-border e-commerce flies into ordinary people's homes and villages50 year old uncle is also eager to move forward, in the era of cross-border e-commerce for all,Cross border e-commerce exports have already attracted many peopleA behemoth.Yien Network learned that since the beginning of this year,ByteDance, JD, Alibaba, Tencent, etc. have all stepped up efforts to layout overseas markets:


ByteDanceSubordinateindependentExportE-commerceAPP Mall FannoIt has been officially launched. At the same time, it is launched by ByteDanceAn e-commerce system that integrates sales and advertising functionsTikTok ShoppingAt present, the registration channel for the UK market has also been opened.


Hand gripLazada, AliExpress, and Alibaba, which have three "sharp tools" to go global, have turned their attention to the fast fashion track. It is reported that Alibaba has launched an app called "allLikes" and a corresponding website, targeting women who are focused on clothing purchases.


Alibaba's old rival Tencent has also entered the cross-border market. Compared to Alibaba's full chain development of cross-border transactions such as sales, logistics, and payments, Tencent is playing a more important role inThe role of a 'water seller'. In November of this year, Tencent Cloud officially released a one-stop solution for cross-border e-commerce, which includes 11 cross-border e-commerce business links such as product selection, website construction, finance, logistics, customs declaration, tax refund, and marketing. This means that Tencent, which has always only participated in the cross-border industry as an investor, needs to delve into the cross-border e-commerce field to make money.


At the same time, domestic e-commerce giant JD.com also needs to take a share of the cross-border market. JD has always hadCoincidentally, its layout in the cross-border field is also closely related to Amazon, known as the "Chinese version of Amazon". Recently, insiders revealed that JD.com is acquiring an Amazon store and will gradually launch its own brand, also known as Jingzao, in the future.


In addition to platforms and capital, well-known domestic brands such as Sema, Antarctica, Jimi Technology, Konka, Xiaoxiong Electric, and various sub categories are also well-knownThe 'Big Brother' has collectively set sail


When the most talented group of people in China gather in overseas markets, what will be the bustling scene of the cross-border e-commerce export race?


Latest journey of ByteDance cross-border sailing:TikTok Shop and Fanno Platform


The ByteDance overseas e-commerce empire building is gradually building high.


On December 22nd,TikTok Shop officially announced that it is fully open to Chinese sellers and all sellers can immediately enterOpen your ownTikTok Shop.


Yien Network learned that,TikTok Shop first opened up the UK market to Chinese sellers and gradually expanded toEuropean market,And plan to start fromStarting to explore the Southeast Asian market in Q1 2022.Sellers who settle in can sell a full range of product categories,cover3C digital, beauty personal care, clothing accessories, shoes, boots, luggage, furniture and daily life, plush toys, holiday gifts, and more.sellerYou can choose to usePromote self promotion or enhance product exposure, click through, and purchase through a new bidding advertising solution provided by the TikTok Ads Manager platform.


along withTikTok has launched cross-border e-commerce APP overseas, and its domestic rival Kwai has also accelerated its layout in cross-border e-commerce.


Kwai Overseas EditionKwai chooses live streaming e-commerce as the track to enter cross-border e-commerce,Use your strengths.Recently,Kwai collaborated with Casas Bahia, the largest home appliance and department store retailer in Brazil, and AmazFit, the Xiaomi fitness wristband, to conduct live streaming e-commerce testing. The goal is to gain a leading position in the live streaming e-commerce field in Brazil. Mariana Sensini, Director of Kwai Brazilexpress:The use of live streaming to showcase products, attract consumers, and sell is a new trend in global e-commerce. We are very happy to carry out this business in Brazil


In domestic internet and e-commerce companiesone after anotherJoining the cross-border e-commerce marketbackgroundNext, Kwai's overseas e-commerce layoutalsoWithin reason.Just compared with Tiktok,Kwai's overseas live broadcast e-commerce processIt seems to be much slower.


this yearJune,TikTok Shop has startedInvite Chinese Mainland/Top sellers and DTC brands of Hong Kong entities participated in the testing.TikTokThe aspect stated that,Settled merchantsofGMV is continuously growing rapidlyFor example, during the Black Five Promotion period,Clothing brandCider's daily GMV has increased by more than three times, with a monthly maximum of over $1000 for brand new customers and repeat purchases, and a cumulative increase of 720% in live fans.


Cloud infrastructure companies that track internet trafficCloudflare data,TikTok became the world's most visited internet website in 2021, surpassing Google, a subsidiary of last year's leader Alphabet.TikTokAsMore than monthly active users worldwide1 billion short videos, owningMillions of excellent content creators,Ranking of download volume in the global application marketalsoLong term coronation.


Having multiple advantagesTikTokSupport your waist,TikTok Shop has been bookedGlobal Good Goods, Global Buying and SellingThe goal of,TikTok e-commerce will enter major global mainstream markets within the next 5 years, reaching a scale of hundreds of billions of dollars.”Bob, Vice President of ByteDance and Head of E-commerce BusinessRepresent.


Cross border "all people" cross-border e-commerce: the big brands of Chinese goods collectively go to sea, and ByteDance launches cross-border export APP!


The birth of TikTok Shop is an important chess piece for ByteDance to expand the global market, and ByteDance's ambition to encircle the global market is not only TikTok Shop, but also Fanno.


In November, Fanno, an independent e-commerce app store launched by ByteDance, was officially launched on the iOS App Store. In terms of product selection, Fanno has launched multiple categories, including clothing, 3C accessories, fashion accessories, beauty, children's toys, pet products, home, outdoor, and fitness products, with clothing as the main category.


The page is mainly divided intoBlack FivePromotion Activity Zone”There are four modules: "New User 1 Euro Reward Collection Zone", "Hot Selling Zone", and "Recommend to You". Multiple popular products on the entire platform offer large discounts ranging from 40% to 60%, with prices ranging from 1 euro to 16 euros.As ofIn December 2021, Fanno was mainly open to the European market, including five countries: the UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain.It is not difficult to see that low prices have becomeFannoThe key to opening up the European market.


They are all the products of ByteDance in overseas market,Fanno and TikTok Shop have both set their starting market in Europe, why Europe? The European market is the platform with the largest layout of cross-border e-commerce sellers, except for North America. Research data shows that,It is expected that the total sales of e-commerce in Europe will reach396 billion euros. Due to e-commerce platforms accounting for approximately half of e-commerce sales, the total sales of European e-commerce platforms are approximately 120 billion to 150 billion euros.


Based on consumer preferences, the five most popular e-commerce platforms in Europe are AmazonEBay, Etsy, Asos, Wish. AliExpress, which failed to make it into the top five, also wants to gain more market share in Europe.


Alibaba announced that it will use Global AliExpress as itsThe main growth engine for the European market in 2022. Due to the impact of low product prices, AliExpress's reputation in France is not very good, but Alibaba is investing heavily to change this image. At the same time, Alibaba is also investing heavily in its logistics subsidiary, competing with Amazon in Europe by opening seven logistics centers


AliExpress and other platforms are eyeing the European market, while AmazonLegacy e-commerce platforms such as eBay have established a foothold in the European market, and Fanno and TikTok Shop are now entering Europe. If they want to smoothly take a share, they must have their own unique advantages.


TikTok Shop relies on TikTok's global 1 billion monthly active user traffic, and one after another, it has become a popular product, which also confirms that TikTok has become a new habit of global consumers' purchasing behavior. With TikTok open circuit, the e-commerce journey of TikTok Shop will be much smoother.


What is Fanno's magic weapon for surprise victories?At present,Fanno's advantage is that it is backed by the ByteDance of the "golden father", and the product price is more attractive.Fanno's strategic approachJustIt is a shopping habit of cultivating consumption by seizing the market at low prices.openThe fact that 0.1 euros are rampant in the app is truly puzzling: does the seller still have a profit at such a low price?RegisteredThe seller of the platform stated thatPlatform front-endofThe price is actually notbusinessofrealPrice,andIt's the platform that gave consumers discounts,This operation, we can call itA subsidy of tens of billions of pounds.


The low price strategy is not so much aboutOne of Fanno's major advantages is more like a common weapon for all platforms and sellers to seize more market share. This is because lower prices will lead to more demand, which in turn will generate more purchasing power, thereby lowering the purchase price, which can then be converted into lower product prices.


Affordable and highly favored in the international marketBut withLogistics, etcThe continuous increase in costsThe low-priced strategy has instead become an important factor hindering the development of cross-border e-commerce.


2021European value-added tax regulationsGreat changes,Container freight costs between Europe and ChinaalsoAdded nearly10 euros,In this context, a large number of sellers on platforms such as AliExpress and Amazon face a dilemma between sales and profits,If we do not sacrifice profits to maintain sales growth, we will lose price sensitive customers.”The seller's situation is still the same, and the platform is also difficult. If Fanno wants to have the strength to compete with Amazon, relying solely on low prices is not enough.


From the operational requirements for sellers, currentlyFanno does not support seller behavior in many aspects of pre-sales and after-sales service. At present, the platform will handle pre-sales and after-sales customer service uniformly, withhold and pay VAT, and do not support sellers to self advertise on the platform. Instead, the platform's user growth team is responsible for advertising placement. The logistics method also adopts the platform's collection model. After generating an order, sellers need to mark the shipment in the backend within 2 days, and the official logistics service will come to collect and send it to overseas customers.


Sellers still have many limitations in the operation process, indicating that compared to mature platforms such as AliExpress and Amazon,Fanno is still in the growth stage, but ByteDance is taking many measures to fundamentally solve the supply chain, logistics, operations and other problems. In August this year, ByteDance invested in Zongteng Group, a comprehensive logistics service provider. In about three months, ByteDance invested about $10 million more and about $10 million in iMile, an e-commerce logistics enterprise in the Middle East,According to insiders, the team under ByteDance will increase its cooperation withCollaboration with SaaS enterprises.


Fanno is currently not open for investment promotion and only invites merchants to settle in,It can be predicted that asThe Fanno platform is gradually maturing, and opening up investment is a matter of time. Will you settle in at that time? As soon as the news of Fanno's debut came out, a large number of cross-border sellers began to roast at the same timeHere comes the international version of Pinduoduo,Fanno can't go far. Similar sounds emerge endlessly, butThe story is still evolving, and we can predict it nowFannoThe outcome is too early, we may as well look forward to launching new actions in the cross-border field one after anotherByteDance can bring new expectations to the mature and stable European market.


Fast fashion tracks for cross-border e-commerce exports: More and moreSheins are born!


Alibaba's layout of cross-border track is earlier and more experienced than ByteDance. However, Alibaba seems not satisfied with the current situation.


Cross border e-commerce logistics "all people" Cross border e-commerce: the big brands of Chinese goods go to sea collectively, and ByteDance launches cross-border export APP!


AlialreadyWe have launched a product calledThe app 'allLikes' also has corresponding websites, targeting the North American and European markets, focusing on women's clothing purchases. openAllyLikes' website and application canwithDiscovery,Its product categories include new collections, clothing, dresses, tops, bottoms, underwear, accessories, and other options,The price ranges from a few dollars per pieceEverything from T-shirts to leather jackets priced over $30 per piece is included.


Users can choose style, size, and other information according to their preferences to match relevant products. After selecting the product and paying,AllLikes will be shipped to users within two weeks. In order to attract users to engage in transactions, users can enjoy a 3 euro discount on their first order on AllLikes, and orders exceeding 19 euros can be delivered for free.


AllLikes has opened accounts on both FaceBook and Instagram, and has accumulated over 30000 followers. On these social media platforms, allLikes also collaborates with influencers to sponsor products and provide additional benefits such as a 50% commission to promote the brand and increase sales.


AllLikesThe various sales models of the platform are difficult not to be imaginedShein, in other words, Alibaba has also targeted the big cake of fast fashion cross-border e-commerce.


Alibaba is not the only one who is optimistic about the development prospects of fast fashion.In 2020,Co founders of many original car groupsAfter CTO Zhang Xiaopei resigned, he founded "Full Volume and Full Speed",The 'Full Volume and Full Speed' project has yet to be named and received around $30 million in angel round investments, with a post investment valuation of $150 million.


In June 2021, a total of 100 million US dollars in A-round financing was completed at full speed, with investors including Today Capital, Sequoia Capital ChinaIDG CapitalShanxing Capital, Wuyuan Capital.


classShein's cross-border e-commerce brand for fast fashion exports is positioned as the "Chinese version of ZARA" with full volume and full speed,Transporting excess domestic clothing supply chain production capacity overseas, with extremely fast inventory turnover and mainly selling at prices lower thanFashion women's clothing for $20 or less.


Cross border e-commerce projects launched by Antarctic e-commerceFOMMOS, the layout is alsoFast fashionThis track.this yearIn October,Antarctic e-commerceIts cross-border e-commerce platformFOMMOSformalGo online.Antarctic e-commerce stated that in the next five years, it will focus onThe two main lines of "brand+consumer goods", combined with "digital+supply chain", reach "users+channels", and focus on expanding six major business lines,Cross border independent platforms are one of the six key business lines in the future.benchmarking Shein'sFOMMOSOnce online, cross-border sellers roast:Can't see any advantages, like burning money? I'm afraid I can't even win”“Can't be a bit innovative?Is it interesting that the interface is almost copied one-on-one?


When questioning arises, it is understandable!


More and more similarWith the emergence of Shein's platform, the field of fast fashion has created the "monster" of Shein, and many "giants" in China have rushed to the forefront of fast fashion, only to create the next Shein. However,Many entrants want to interact withShein's shoulder to shoulder action is just a replication of Shein,Is this method really feasible? The ending may not be very optimistic, when it's fast fashionCross border e-commerce platforms have also become popular,Entrants still need to seriously consider whether fast fashion only hasShein mode is a path.


JD, Tencent, and others enter: the competition between water sellers and sellers has escalated


More and more Chinese people are building cross-border e-commerce platforms, indicating that competition between platforms is intensifying. However, the competition among Chinese sellers has already escalated and iterated, with a fierce battle of capital, including some capital with complete logistics, product selection and other supply chain resources, such as JD.com.


In 2021, the world's largest

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