735 million people! 37 segmented markets! This report provides a detailed explanation of the prospects of e-commerce in Europe


Author:Zeng Xuening
Source: ennews

For sellers, besides the United States, Europe is the most important market. Under the pandemic, there have been some new changes in e-commerce in Europe. Recently, the European E-commerce Association released a report. The report comprehensively analyzes the current situation in EuropeThe e-commerce market situation in 37 countries. Next, the editor will give you a "key point" to quickly grasp the latest e-commerce trends in Europe.


EuropeOnline shopping accounts for 70%Especially evident in Western Europe


Let's take a look at the overall situation in Europe first. We all know that the European market is large, so how big is it? This report predicts that,The population of Europe should reach 735 million in 2021, more than twice the population of the United States; The GDP will reach 18.333 trillion euros, which is similar to the total economic output of the United States.


In addition to a large market, Europe's network coverage is still high, and the proportion of netizens is increasing year by year, which is currently close to90%. Moreover, more and more people are joining the "army" of online shopping.The proportion of online shoppers has increased fromThe 60% in 2017 has risen to the current 73%.In this way, e-commerce is beneficial forThe contribution rate of GDP has also increased to 4.6%, an increase of about 1.5% compared to 2017.


It should be noted that due to the inconsistent pace of economic development. The e-commerce market situation varies across Europe. According to natural geography, Europe is divided into Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Northern Europe, and Central Europe.


In Western Europe, the proportion of internet users has reached96%, with online shopping users accounting for 87%; The proportion of internet users in Eastern Europe is 78%, while the proportion of online shopping users is 44%; In southern Europe, the proportion of internet users is 87%, while the proportion of online shopping users is 64%; As for Nordic countries, internet users account for 96% and online shopping users account for 84%; In Central Europe, the proportion of internet users is 89%, while the proportion of online shopping users is 78%.


Western Europe accounts for a significant portion of e-commerce sales across EuropeofThe highest proportion is64%; Ranked second is Southern Europe, accounting for16%; As for the rest, Central Europe accounts for 8%, while Eastern Europe and Northern Europe both account for 6%.


735 million people going to sea! 37 segmented markets! This report provides a detailed explanation of the prospects of e-commerce in Europe


E-commerce in Western EuropeDevelopment is the most developedStay away from other areas. However, in terms of growth,Eastern Europe inThe growth rate of e-commerce in 2020 was 36%, while the growth rate in Western Europe remained moderate at 4%.The growth rates in Central and Southern Europe are similar, respectively28% and 24%. Compared to other regions in Europe, the development of e-commerce in Eastern Europe is relatively lagging behindBut the stamina is also strong.


In addition, the European Union27 countries are also the focus of everyone's attention.The proportion of EU netizens in 2021Approximately91%, with 75% of online shoppers; andThe GDP will reach 12.987 trillion euros, and the contribution rate of e-commerce to GDP is close to 4%.


The European Union is the economic core of EuropeGDP accounts for 70% of the total. Moreover, due to the interconnectivity between EU countries, the EU has become a key market for sellers to pay attention to.


It is understood that,88% of EU people choose to shop domestically, 31% choose other EU countries, 22% choose non EU countries, and 40% choose other countries (including the EU and non EU countries).



Britain——Network usage population reached99%


The UK is a developed country with extremely high internet usage rates, with99%People who use the internet.Although related totwo thousand and twentyCompared to previous years,two thousand and twenty-oneThe annual growth rate of internet usage has increased from2.26%Descend to1%But this also indicates that the population of internet users in the UK is becoming saturated. And there are93%Internet users tend to consume through online shopping, which also indicates that the UK is a high-quality country for developing e-commerce products.


according toFIS WorldpayPrediction,two thousand and twenty-fourMore than20%The shopping will be completed online, and the online consumption amount will reachtwo thousand six hundred and fortyBillion pounds.


During the era of social media popularity, many businesses would use social media to promote and market their products. At this time, learn about popular social media apps in the local areaThe key to obtaining traffic passwords is to apply the right medicine to the situation.


In the UKFacebookIt is the most popular social media among local people, with52%Usage ratio; andPinterestSo25%Proportion ofrowIn the second place; Relatively speaking,TwitterInstagramandYouTubeTheir popularity is not as high, there are13%5%and2%The proportion of.


Amazon in the UK hasHegemonic status,four point one sevenThe monthly living volume of one billion is enough to indicate the level of love among British consumers. The most common items that British people buy online are clothing and footwear, with a proportion of68%.


For the UK market, sellers have expressed:


——Although the UK consumer market is relatively small compared to the United States, China, and Japan, it is still willing to spend money, so there is still a great opportunity for gold mining.

——The market demand in the UK is still quite large, and as a major trading country, they still rely on imports for many things.


Germany——Sustainable development is the main theme of future development


Germanytwo thousand and twenty-oneThe annual internet usage rate is96%, fromtwo thousand and eighteenSince the beginning of the year, it has maintained stable growth.FacebookIt is the most popular social media in the local area, with67%Users of;Pinterestwith18%The usage rate of is ranked second.


German expertsMartin Gro ß - AlbenhausenRepresents,During the epidemic, groceries and pharmacies were the categories with the largest growth in online shopping.Moreover, the proportion of elderly people shopping online is also growing rapidly.


epidemic situationAlso letEnterprises are also forced tomakeChange. Many enterprises have shifted from traditional business models to online. Even though they have never sold products online before, they began to pass through during the lockdown periodInstagramWait online to promote your company information. The online market also provides them with necessary infrastructure to help them adapt to the e-commerce market as soon as possible.


Sustainable development is a concern for German retail sellers.The survey found that although consumers are willing to pay for sustainable development, if a product is listed asIf organic products are charged higher fees, consumers will not pay for them. Some businesses may reduce packaging to achieve sustainability, but this practice increases return rates. Because consumers will choose to return the goods they have purchased without the original packaging. So how to achieve sustainability while still being accepted by consumers is a question that businesses should consider next.


France——Pursuing practical consumption characteristics


Francetwo thousand and twenty-oneThe annual internet usage rate is94%.FacebookIt is the most popular social media among the French, with72%Users of. SecondlyPinteresthave16%Used by people.TwitterInstagramandYouTubeThe usage rate of is relatively low, including6%3%and2%The proportion of.


According to professionalsMarc LolivierAnalysis shows that before the epidemic, the development of e-commerce in France was steadily increasingtwo thousand and twentySince the beginning of the year, it has skyrocketed, and the fourth quarter alone has grown by nearly41%.


He also stated that the online shopping characteristic of French consumers is the pursuit of practicality, and they also have requirements for product diversity.And every lockdown period, the types of goods consumers purchase also vary.


During the first lockdown, computers and cultural products were the focus of consumers' online shopping; In the second lockdown, consumers allocated more of their budget to furniture and household items. andtwo thousand and twenty-oneIn the year, health and beauty products, as well as online food products, have consistently maintained high sales.



Russia——Contactless delivery and same-day delivery have become popular


In Russia,two thousand and twenty-oneThe population of internet users in81%. And withtwo thousand and nineteenAnnual83%Compared to that, there is still a decline. However, overall, it is still in a relatively stable state.


In terms of social media usage, local social media websites in RussiaVkontakteIt is the most popular among local people, with24%The proportion of usage. Secondly,FacebookPinterestYouTubeTwitterandInstagramThe proportion of usage is equally high, respectively18%18%15%13%and10%.


Professional data analystsNadezhda VinogradovaIn the interview, it was mentioned that the epidemic has become the driving force for the growth of online shopping.staytwo thousand and twentyIn, Russian e-commerce grew44%, adding approximatelyone thousandTen thousand users, they have never purchased any products online before. During the lockdown period, sales of sportswear, cosmetics, shoes, and some office supplies performed well.


It is worth noting that during the pandemic, there were approximatelyten point fiveTen thousand sellers passedInstagramAnd some internet celebrities to sell their products. The Russian government also has relevant measures and financial subsidies to cultivate these new entry-level sellers.


And many online stores have started non-contact delivery and same-day delivery services, which have helped sellers increase sales and become a popular trend.


But in Russia, sellers face difficulties in logistics and customs.You need to find different logistics companies for different types of goods,For example, refrigerators and mobile phones require finding different logistics companies. For multiple types of sellers, logistics costs are a significant issue.


two thousand and twenty-oneThe year is still a year affected by the epidemic, but overall, the global e-commerce market has continued to develop as a result. Sellers should develop different marketing strategies for different countries in order to achieve more impressive results in the new year.


The full report can be found in:


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