Amazon's Prime member is being "robbed" by Google?


Author:Wu Shuai
Source: ennews

GoogleA series of layouts in e-commerceSeems to be getting resultsandTaking valuable market share from AmazonnewestData shows that more and more people start their online shopping trips using Google.


Morgan Stanley said in a report issued on Monday that,Google's e-commerceA series of updatesMake the platform onlineTransaction volume increased.


The company's analysts added that more and more people started their online shopping journey through Google. Interestingly,This transformation also took place in AmazonPrimememberThey search on AmazoncommodityFrequency ofLower


According to Morgan Stanley57% of respondents in a survey conducted in November 2021Said that their preferred platform for searching for new products isInclude SearchengineandGoogle platforms, including YouTube,This datahigher than54% in May.Turn to Google at the same timeplatformAmazon for initial searchPrimeMembership ratiofrom51% jumped to 56%


"The behavior change here is noteworthy," said Morgan Stanley analyst, adding that during this period, AmazonsearchofPrime MemberproportionDownMore than 3 percentage points.


The results of this survey are particularly shocking because Google's share of shopping search has beenlower thanAmazon. If Google succeeds in reversing this trend, it may meanhisSearch advertising revenue and other potential revenues will increase by billions of dollars. 


Part of the reason may be the supply shortage of AmazonandGoogleCan be accessed fromMultiplePlatforms andRetailers get inventory there.”Morgan Stanley analysts wrote.  


epidemic situationInitiated e-commercemarketThe surge of Amazon andShopify et alonline retailersThe giant benefited from it,In the epidemic situationstartWhen,Some analysts doubt whether Google willThereforeBackward.


butGoogle during this periodLaunchedA series of newFeatures, includingTurn shopping related search results from paid products to natural search results, and launch second kill days on holidays(Deals) activitiesAnd using Googleidentify the imagesThe ability to search for products.


Meanwhile, it also belongs to GoogleYouTube also launched live shopping activities during the holidays. This series of measures has gradually increased Google's market share in e-commerce search.

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