IResearch: Social media public and private domains meet marketing needs at different stages with mutual benefit


Author:Zhang Xiao
Source: iResearch

Introduction:The birth of the concept of Social First meets the advertisers' demand for traffic reuse, conforms to the overall development trend of social advertising marketing, and promotes further innovation of marketing thinking in the Social advertising industry. In the future, new marketing ideas and models will continue to emerge, and more efficient traffic flow methods will emerge around the "content consumer brand" field, helping the mobile social advertising industry to flourish.

Isocial contactadvertisementRevenue reached 27.41 billion yuan, and advertisers increased their marketing investment in mobile social media

In the first half of 2019, the revenue scale of social advertising in China reached 27.41 billion yuan, and the revenue scale in the second quarter was 14.9 billion yuan, an increase of 23.6% over the same period last year. Although the macro-economy is in a downward cycle and the overall online advertising market is growing slowly, the social advertising market is still in a healthy development trend. On the one hand, the original content marketing of social advertising ensures the user experience and makes the user acceptance higher; On the other hand, the social platform can rely on the accumulation of user circles to form multiple communications through fission sharing, and at the same time, it can use big data to precisely target the target user population, with remarkable marketing effects.

At the same time, the proportion of mobile advertising revenue in the overall online advertising revenue has further expanded. In the first half of 2019China MobileThe revenue scale of end social advertising was 23.09 billion yuan, of which the revenue scale in the second quarter reached 12.59 billion yuan, accounting for 84.5% of the overall social advertising revenue. As the overall social media continues to tilt towards the mobile end, the mobile social media has established greater advantages in terms of timely transmission of content information, cross platform diversion and linkage, user data accumulation and accurate advertising, thus making the advertisers' marketing investment in mobile social media continue to increase. In this context,micro-blogAs a representative platform of China's mobile social media, it has won many honors and made remarkable achievements in the Financial Investment Award International Creative Festival.

IICustomized marketing plan according to the needs of different stages of the brand

The marketing achievements of microblog are derived from its customized marketing plans aimed at the needs of advertisers at different stages. As a social media platform that accumulates a large number of star KOL and its fans' resources, Weibo has formed a unique field with "content consumer enterprise" as the core. In the actual marketing promotion process, it has developed a marketing strategy specifically to solve their respective pain points in response to the needs of the three major stages of the brand - new product listing, creating incremental, and activating stock.

Cross border e-commerce platform iResearch: social media public and private domains meet marketing needs at different stages for mutual benefit

First of all, during the launch of new brand products, most products will experience the same life cycle, that is, from the initial product innovation, early adoption, rapid growth, until the products reach the ceiling of scale and volume. In order to resist competitive products and self-development, enterprises often need to use new products to break through the ceiling, create the second growth curve, and achieve the continuation and growth of brand value. At this time, how to make consumers realize wide cognition, how to occupy the consumer market with rapid growth, and how to make new and instant products become the pain points of brand advertisers. In the marketing of Estee Lauder's new products, the "Cherry Blossom Season" launched Cherry Blossom Micro essence. Through the integration and linkage of resources and channels, Weibo expanded the market exposure and user awareness of new products from the perspective of its own huge resources, such as open screen advertising, landing brand windows, hot search, stars and their fans. At the same time, by using external channel resources and relying on the cooperation between microblog and Tmall's small black box, products and users were introduced into Tmall, quickly forming an e-commerce closed loop of "traffic directly connected to e-commerce". Two weeks later, Cherry Blossom Micro essence became the first seller of Tmall essence, with a significant user conversion rate.

In terms of creating increment, Weibo launched a marketing product "cornucopia" with multiple effects, adding new marketing methods for "incremental marketing". On the one hand, relying on the accumulation of star resources on the microblog platform, the "cornucopia" integrates highly influential accounts to expand the interaction and exposure of target fans for a long time, achieving the effect of "superimposed endorsement", expanding the breadth and duration of marketing effects, and solving the commercialization problem of effective connection between stars on microblog and KOL and enterprises. On the other hand, we should tap the advantages of microblogging as a social platform to maximize the value of the company's existing celebrity endorsements through fan absorption, hot interaction, advertising and other ways. It was also the Cherry Blossom Festival in April. Pea Princess APP signed Yamashita Zhijiu, known as "Japanese Andy Lau". Microblog, taking advantage of its own media characteristics, attracted Yamashita Zhijiu's potential fans through hot search, screen opening advertising, product promotion, etc., and attracted a large number of potential audiences who like the Cherry Blossom Festival and Japanese culture while attracting Mingxing's fans. Finally, the overall interaction rate increased by 15 times, and the interaction cost and powder absorption cost decreased by 89%.

Finally, in the stage of activating the stock, in addition to the "pasture plan" that covers target users with grass planting content and the "U-micro plan" that reaches users and achieves grass pulling, microblog also explores its own field characteristics, carries out customized marketing strategies according to different enterprise brand needs or marketing needs, establishes communication channels and long-term contacts with users, so as to ensure high-frequency and multi-dimensional brand exposure. For Wanglaoji 500ml bottled products, there has been a certain accumulation of brand awareness and consumer groups. How to explore new marketing scenarios and expand marketing contacts are the deeper marketing pain points of Wanglaoji brand this time. The microblog uses the topic of the all-star Vlog contest "The hotter, the more love to go out" to build a public domain of communication, and spreads the use scenarios of bottled products through microblog topics in the form of Vlog content, reaching the fan community with high frequency and efficiency. Finally, nearly 400 stars participate in the production of content, and the microblog topic reading reaches 7 billion. Weibo empowers the brand with a traffic engine centered on stars. Through the efficient fan touch mechanism of Weibo, it spreads and splits in various scenarios to achieve greater brand impact.

IIIMutual benefit of public and private domain traffic, creating dual marketing effects

Public domain traffic refers to all the traffic that exposes content on public platforms, such as search engines, e-commerce, information flow product, etc., while private domain traffic refers to the traffic that can be reused without paying through the process of communication, marketing, etc., such as WeChat official account, community, small program, etc. Effective access to users from public domain traffic and expanding brand influence is the first step to achieve the marketing effect of advertisers, How to let the brand effectively accumulate fans and precipitate private domain traffic is the key to subsequent operations.

Microblog has the dual identity of private domain traffic and public domain traffic due to its media characteristics. As a topic square gathering new hot spots, celebrity celebrities and the general public together form public domain traffic, while fans accumulated in the brand marketing process will become private domain traffic of the brand.

E-commerce platform iResearch: social media public and private domains meet marketing needs at different stages for mutual benefit

The "mutual benefit between public and private domains" model is to flow public and private domain traffic, so that brands can not only obtain fans from public domain traffic, but also form brand private domain traffic based on fans' accumulation, and finally form a marketing model of mutual transformation of traffic. On the one hand, with the help of star accounts, hot spots, topic interactions and other ways, the brand in Weibo Plaza expands its popularity with huge public domain traffic, so that potential users can complete the recognition, consideration and evaluation of the brand in the public domain, thus quickly realizing the transformation of user consumption and providing traffic to the private domain of the brand; On the other hand, the accumulated fan groups spontaneously share their product use experience in the private domain, forming a private domain traffic with a benign interactive ecology, and then cross back to the public domain through microblogging topics as the connection point, continuing to serve as the public domain traffic for the next marketing.

Looking back at the cases in the above three stages, "public and private domain" mutual benefit as the core runs through the whole marketing process. Yamashita Zhijiu completed the accumulation of fans to form private domain traffic. "Prince with Princess, flax with peas", as a user's spontaneous opinion, appeared in a large number of interactive comments and forwarding on Weibo. At the same time, a large number of fans shared their orders under Weibo. In this marketing activity, Princess Pea APP effectively obtained private domain traffic in public domain traffic, and public domain traffic also gained greater exposure through the high interaction rate of fans on related topics, The brand finally achieved a unique marketing effect by reaching the potential users of Japanese cultural interest circles. So is the marketing case of Estee Lauder and Wang Laoji. How to flexibly use social traffic, bring forth the new through the old, and formulate marketing plans for the brand's characteristic needs has become the primary exploration direction for many social media platforms to formulate marketing strategies.

IVHit the advertiser's pain point -- Social First perpetual motion machine marketing model strategy analysis

The traffic model isinternetThe main model of marketing, with the development of mobile Internet becoming more mature, the traffic cost is increasing, and the number of new users is gradually tending to the inflection point of growth. It becomes more and more difficult for enterprises and brands to achieve business growth solely by relying on pure traffic exposure.

Nowadays, the relationship between consumers and brands has changed quietly, and the marketing perpetual motion machine model that activates the channel between them has also emerged as the times require. Based on the "social first" social interaction brought by the brand practice, which covers the full value link of enterprise research and development, production, market, sales and service, it has built a digital channel for effective communication between brands and consumers, created a business ecological closed-loop of "content fans users realization", and achieved users' deep participation from seven steps of cognition, consideration, evaluation, purchase, enjoyment, recommendation and link, Assist the brand to complete the double closed loop from the flow cycle to the loyalty cycle, and shape the depth experience of user participation through the loyalty cycle, thus further driving the accelerated transformation of Social First. Many brands, including Luzhou Laojiao, Haier, OPPO, MAC, and Korean artisans, have maintained constant dialogue with consumers through microblogging to seize consumers' minds and market share.

The birth of the concept of Social First meets the advertisers' demand for traffic reuse, conforms to the overall development trend of social advertising marketing, and promotes further innovation of marketing thinking in the Social advertising industry. In the future, new marketing ideas and models will continue to emerge, and more efficient traffic flow methods will emerge around the "content consumer brand" field, helping the mobile social advertising industry to flourish.

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