Afternoon News | Station B responded that there was an account for live broadcast of gynecological surgery; Alipay Five Blessings officially started


Source: iResearch

Introduction:Station B responded that there was an account to broadcast gynecological surgery live; Alipay Five Blessings officially started

Station B responded that there was an account to broadcast gynecological surgery

Recently, a netizen reported that there was a suspected male doctor broadcasting gynecological surgery on Station B. In response, Station B said on the evening of the 18th that after internal verification, the live broadcast room you feedback was warned and cut off for many times during the live broadcast on January 15, and then was permanently banned. At present, we have reported to the public security organs and will actively cooperate with the police to investigate and collect evidence.

On the evening of January 18, Rizhao Public Security Bureau reported that at about 16:00 on January 18, 2022, the Donggang Branch of Rizhao Public Security Bureau received a report from the public that a doctor suspected of broadcasting gynecological surgery clips on the Internet, so it immediately investigated the relevant personnel of the hospital involved, and arrested the doctor at about 18:00. The case has been filed and is under further investigation.

Donggang police remind that this video and picture involve personal privacy, please do not discuss and spread it, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.

: - 0 The station side also needs to strengthen the audit.

associationBeijing employees are encouraged to work at home without going to the company unnecessarily

Lenovo's epidemic prevention and control team released the latest notice that: since one new local case in Beijing today is a close contact with the local confirmed case notified on January 15, from now on to this Sunday, reduce personnel gathering, and advocate that Beijing site employees work at home, not necessarily in the company.

Employees who work in the company due to business needs must enter the company with the nucleic acid test negative certificate and green health code after January 15 (inclusive).

: - 0 Safety first.

The annual bonus per capita in 2021 will be 23000 yuan

According to the recently released Research Report on the 2021 Enterprise Year end Bonus Payment Plan, the per capita level of the 2021 year-end bonus is 23000 yuan, and the amount of the 2021 enterprise year-end bonus is equivalent to 2.1 times of the employee's monthly salary. 41% of the enterprises said that the year-end bonus amount in 2021 will be increased, 31% of the enterprises' year-end bonus amount will be the same as that in 2020, and most of the enterprises' year-end bonus amount will be increased within 10%. From the perspective of the industry, the average level of the financial industry's year-end bonus in 2021 is 45200 yuan, leading all industries; The high-tech industry rose by 11% compared with last year, ranking first among all industries.

: - 0 Did you reach the standard?

AlipayThe gathering of five blessings officially started

Alipay Five Happiness Gathering in 2022 has officially started at 0:00 on January 19. The time of this Five Happiness Gathering is from 00:00 on January 19 to 22:00 on January 31, 2022. It is reported that this year, after the collection of five blessing cards, namely, "Patriotic Happiness", "Prosperity Happiness", "Harmony Happiness", "Friendly Happiness" and "# Dedication Happiness", users can not only receive red packets, but also exchange the surplus five blessing cards for Fuzi stickers and the surrounding five blessing customized products.

: - 0 Did you sweep the blessing?

StarbucksCarry out delivery cooperation with Meituan

On January 18, Starbucks, a well-known coffee chain giant, announced that it had established a partnership with Meituan, allowing its users to order coffee takeout through Meituan's platform. Previously, Starbucks andAlibabaThe three-year exclusive distribution cooperation agreement of the take out distribution platform Eramei expired on December 31, 2021. The two parties did not renew the exclusive agreement, but the distribution cooperation continues.

: - 0 It's more convenient to order.

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