China Corporate Globalization Weekly | In 2021, China's cross-border e-commerce import and export scale will reach 1.98 trillion yuan; Brazil's inflation rate hit a six-year high in 2021


Author:36 krypton goes to sea
Source: 36kr

Great events of globalization of Chinese companies that deserve attention

General Administration of Customs: In 2021, the import and export scale of China's cross-border e-commerce will reach 1.98 trillion yuan, an increase of 15%.According to the Securities Times, Li Kuiwen, spokesman of the General Administration of Customs and director of the Department of Statistics and Analysis, said at the press conference of the New China Office that customs statistics showed that in 2021, the import and export of China's comprehensive bonded zone, free trade pilot zone and Hainan free trade port increased by 24.3%, 26.4% and 57.7% respectively, showing a vigorous development trend. In terms of emerging trade formats, China's cross-border e-commerce and market procurement scale expanded rapidly. In 2021, China's cross-border e-commerce import and export scale will reach 1.98 trillion yuan, an increase of 15%; Export of market procurement increased by 32.1%.

In 2021, the global revenue of eight mobile games will exceed 1 billion dollars.36 Krypton learned that according to the intelligence data of the Sensor Tower store, eight mobile games led by Tencent's "PUBG Mobile", "Glory of the King" and Miha's "Genshin Impact" will generate more than $1 billion of internal purchase revenue in the global App Store and Google Play in 2021. Among them, Tencent's "PUBG Mobile" (combined with the income of "Peace Elite") and "Glory of the King" will both have a global income of more than 2.8 billion dollars in 2021, ranking first and second in the global mobile game bestseller list. In 2020, only five mobile games will have an annual revenue of $1 billion.

Cross border logistics integrated service providers have completed the financing of 10 million yuan.36 Krypton learned that "Yunwujie", which provides one-stop cross-border logistics comprehensive services for Chinese brands, announced the completion of a round of tens of millions of strategic financing. This round of financing was jointly invested by Hejun Capital and Baohengfeng Investment. It is reported that Yunwujie was established in October 2019, focusing on cross-border e-commerce logistics industry and providing trading platform+SaaS management. The newly raised funds will be mainly used for the company's product research and development, channel construction and operating funds.

The target for the delivery of Krypton vehicles this year is 70000, and the 001 model is planned to be exported to the EU early next year.According to the Associated Press of Finance, it was learned from Geely that Geely's high-end intelligent electric vehicle brand, Geekrypton, plans to complete the delivery target of 70000 vehicles this year, and will export Geekrypton 001 models to the European market early next year. It is estimated that Geekrypton's overall overseas export will reach 100000 vehicles by 2025. According to the plan, by 2025, Krypton will launch seven models.

This week, you must read the excellent articles of Sailing

In the context of strong growth of cross-border e-commerce, the production and consumption of goods are more decentralized, and the demand for quick response of the supply chain also puts forward higher requirements for digitalization. It is hard to imagine how the company would coordinate the global cargo transportation with huge volume without digital tools. In such an environment, Flexport, founded in 2013, has grown into a unicorn in the field of digital freight forwarding, with a valuation of 3.2 billion dollars. Since entering China in 2016, this is one of the most important markets for this company. Recently, 36 krypton went abroad to interview Henry Ko, the managing director of Flexport Asia, and talked about the recent investment boom in cross-border logistics, the promotion of industrial transformation by digital freight forwarding, and the observation of the cross-border e-commerce industry.

Flexport, the founder of digital freight forwarding | in Focus

According to APP Annie statistics, the number of monthly active users of Bilibili Comics has exceeded 3 million, ranking the third in the English market outside China, Japan and South Korea, with a peak of 824000. Bilibili Comics will be launched in April 2021. There are more than 500 works on the platform, including Guoman and some Hanman, which are English versions of the copyright works of Bilibili Comics. Recently, some works have also been launched in Indonesian. One of the most influential IPs under Bilibili Comics is Tianguan Blessing, adapted from the novel of the same name. Its animated version has successively landed on Funimation, Netflix and other overseas streaming media platforms. In recent years, Guoman Platform has successively entered the global market. Can the head platform become a boat crossing the sea?

Bili Bili Cartoon Overseas Edition has a monthly life of more than 3 million, and Guoman has entered the era of going to sea on the platform?

Global New Economic Events

Southeast Asia

Malaysia used car platform Carsome completed the round E financing of 290 million US dollars.According to Bloomberg, investors in this round of financing include 65 Equity Partners, SeaTown Holdings and Qatar Investment Authority. It is reported that Carsome is a C2B second-hand car trading platform from Malaysia, and also provides consumers with free online evaluation and vehicle testing services. The newly raised funds will be used for recruitment and technology development, and it is also hoped to expand its retail brand Carsome Certified in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

Airwallex launched a global payment service in Singapore.Krypton learned that Airwallex, a financial technology company, announced the official launch of global payment services in Singapore. It is reported that Airwallex Cloud Exchange has obtained the license of a large payment institution granted by the Monetary Authority of Singapore in November last year, and has carried out trial operation. Singaporean enterprises can now make fast, secure and transparent cross-border payments and collections through a series of products and services of Airwallex, including account opening, local and cross-border remittances, multi currency wallets and online acquiring. At the same time, Airwallex's global customers can collect money in Singapore dollars, which is more convenient for enterprises to expand their business in the Singapore market.

Europe and America

Tencent invested in Qonto, a digital bank, with a valuation of 5 billion dollars, becoming the second largest unicorn in France36 Krypton went abroad to learn that Qonto, a French digital bank, has completed the D-round financing of $552 million. This round of financing is led by Tiger Global and TCV. The existing investor Tencent continues to add. It is reported that Qonto mainly provides small and medium-sized enterprises and freelancers with business account, bookkeeping, expense management and other services. It charges a minimum price of 9 Euros per month. At present, it operates in France, Germany, Italy and Spain. The newly raised funds will be used for product research and development, talent recruitment, and market expansion in Germany, Spain and Italy.

The United States will release 10 billion dollars to promote the development of small businesses and help vulnerable groups.According to InterfaceNews, the United States plans to release $10 billion to help start-ups obtain capital to revitalize the business of vulnerable groups and promote the broader economic recovery from the epidemic. The National Small Business Credit Plan of the United States will provide funds to state, regional and community governments for projects that provide venture capital or encourage private lenders to lend to small businesses. This fund comes from the US $1.9 trillion COVID-19 aid plan approved by the US Congress last March. The US Treasury Department is expected to release relevant funds in the first quarter of 2022.


Lead School, an educational technology enterprise in India, received a financing of US $100 million.According to The Economic Times, this round of financing is led by WestBridge Capital and GSV Ventures. A new round of funds will be used for product and curriculum innovation. It is reported that Lead School, headquartered in Mumbai, India, was established in 2012. The company cooperates with schools to help teachers design courses, aiming to provide high-quality courses for students from low-income families.

Refyne, an Indian personnel management platform, completed the round B financing of US $82 million.According to The Economic Times, this round of financing is led by Tiger Global. It is reported that Refyne cooperates with the employer of the enterprise to enable its employees to query the payment of wages in real time through the App. At present, Refyne has provided services for more than 150 enterprise users. It is reported that the newly raised funds in this round will be used for product development and expansion of the talent team.

Australia and New Zealand

Panda takeout invested 36 million dollars to acquire EASI, an Australian Chinese food takeout platform.36 Krypton learned that HungryPanda purchased the local Chinese food delivery platform EASI in Australia at a price of 50 million Australian dollars (about 36 million US dollars). Next, they will integrate technology and distribution resources, optimize the intelligent distribution scheduling system and the existing operation mode of the takeout platform, and improve the effectiveness and user experience. EASI is a Chinese takeout platform across Australia and North America. More than 25000 restaurants around the world have settled in EASI. In addition to the take out service, users can also choose department stores, flower cakes, errands and other services in EASI.

Liontown Resources, an Australian lithium miner, signed a letter of intent with LG Energy Solutions.According to 61 Financial, lithium miner Liontown Resources has signed a letter of intent with LG Energy Solutions (LGES). It is estimated that Liontown will provide up to 150000 dry metric tons of spodumene concentrate to LGES every year after it is put into production in 2024. LGES is a wholly-owned battery subsidiary of LG Chemical Co., Ltd. Its scale is only second to that of Ningde Times.

Latin America

Brazil's inflation rate will hit a six-year high in 2021.According to CCTV News, the data released by the Brazilian Bureau of Geography and Statistics on January 11 shows that Brazil's inflation rate will be 10.06% in 2021, a new high since 2015. Data shows that Brazil's inflation level in 2021 is much higher than 4.52% in 2020. Rising fuel, energy and food prices are the main cause of high inflation in Brazil. The local media reported that the appreciation of the US dollar and the recovery of global oil demand led to the soaring fuel prices. At the same time, the water crisis in Brazil has become an important driver of the rise in energy and food prices. Some analysts believe that the price of Brazilian agricultural products will remain rising in the first half of 2022.

Shopee has become the most popular e-commerce platform for Brazilian consumers.According to The Rio Times, Shopee has become the favorite e-commerce platform for Brazilian consumers. It is reported that Shopee announced its entry into the Brazilian market in October 2019. In the early stage, it was targeted invitation system. At present, all cross-border sellers can apply for entry into the Brazilian market independently. Like other markets, Shopee still adopts localization operation strategy, such as launching Shopee Brazil application for local consumers in Brazil, which uses Portuguese as the system language used by most people in Brazil.


The Pan African Payment and Settlement System was officially released.According to Xinhua News Agency, the Secretariat of the African Free Trade Area, together with the African Export Import Bank and other institutions, officially launched the Pan African Payment and Settlement System in Accra, Ghana, on January 13. It is reported that the Pan African payment and settlement system covers the African continent and supports African countries to use their own currencies to make timely, safe and rapid payments on the continent, reducing dependence on third-party currencies. The system has been successfully tested in Ghana, Nigeria, Gambia, Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone before its release.


The World Bank lowered its forecast for global economic growth in 2022 to 4.1%.According to Xinhua News Agency, the World Bank released the latest Global Economic Outlook report on the 11th, predicting that the global economy will grow by 5.5% in 2021 and 4.1% in 2022, both of which are 0.2 percentage points lower than the previous forecast. The report predicts that developed economies will grow by 5% in 2021 and 3.8% in 2022, down 0.4 and 0.2 percentage points respectively; Emerging markets and developing economies will grow by 6.3% in 2021 and 4.6% in 2022. At the same time, the World Bank predicts that China's economy will grow by 8% in 2021 and 5.1% in 2022.

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Cross border Information China Corporate Globalization Weekly | In 2021, China's cross-border e-commerce import and export scale will reach 1.98 trillion yuan; Brazil's inflation rate hit a six-year high in 2021

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