Sailing Daily | China's electric vehicles take advantage of green transformation to boost the European market; YouTube TV Renews Contract with Disney


Author:36 krypton goes to sea
Source: 36kr

Globalization of Chinese companies

China's electric vehicles take advantage of the green transformation to power the European market.According to Xinhua News Agency, Chinese automobile manufacturers continue to make efforts in the European market, and Chinese electric vehicles are increasingly favored by consumers. With its high cost performance ratio, China's electric vehicles are ushering in a period of rapid development in the European market, which is recognized and affirmed by the European industry and consumers. It is reported that in the first 11 months of 2021, taking the "Mingjue" pure electric vehicle produced by SAIC Motor Corporation of China as an example, Mingjue will account for 1.9% of the new car sales in Britain, surpassing Honda and Mazda; In November, the monthly share rose to 3.6%, which was close to Nissan and Ford.

Futu was granted an Australian financial services licence.36 Kr learned that, according to Futu News, on December 20, 2021, Futu Holdings Co., Ltd. announced that its subsidiary Futu Securities (Australia) Ltd holds an Australian financial service license issued by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) and has the quality of the industry in Australia, and will provide one-stop online investment services to local investors in the future.

Southeast Asia

BandLab, a digital platform for Singaporean music creators, announced the completion of round B financing of US $53 million.According to e27, Vulcan Capital led the investment in this round of financing, and K3 Ventures and Caldecott Music Group co invested. After this round of financing, BandLab's valuation is about US $303 million. It is reported that BandLab was founded in 2015, and the platform has been used by more than 40 million music producers and musicians. The new funds will be used to expand the team and further improve the platform.

Iris Capital Partners, a Malaysian investment institution, announced the establishment of a $38 million venture debt fund.According to e27, Iris Capital Partners announced the launch of Iris Fund, a private venture debt fund worth RM160 million (about USD 37.8 million), aimed at providing funds for start-ups in Malaysia and ASEAN. According to a statement, Hanwha Asset Management Co. of South Korea will jointly manage the fund with Iris Capital Partners.


Razorpay, an Indian financial technology company, completed the financing round F of 375 million US dollars.According to TechCrunch, Lone Pine Capital, Alkeon Capital Management and TCV jointly lead the investment in this round of financing, and Tiger Global, Sequoia India, GIC and Y Combinator participate in the investment. Razorpay was founded in Bangalore, India, in 2015 to provide digital payment services for Indian SMEs. At present, Razorpay handles about $60 billion of transactions annually.

India used car trading platform Cars24 completed financing of 400 million US dollars.According to TechCrunch, this round of financing is led by Alpha Wave Global, and other existing investors include DST Global, Softbank Vision Fund 2, Tencent and Moore Strategic Ventures. At present, the company is valued at 3.3 billion dollars. It is reported that Cars24 was founded in 2014. Its operation mode is to buy used cars first, then sell them on its own platform and draw a percentage from the transaction.

Europe and America

YouTube TV renewed its contract with Disney, and the channel content was restored.According to Sina Technology, YouTube announced on Sunday that it had reached a new agreement with Disney to distribute all Disney channels through the platform. Just two days ago, the negotiation between the two companies broke down, resulting in that Disney content could not be viewed. Last week, YouTube warned that both parties would renew the agreement only if Disney provided fair terms. At that time, it also announced that it would reduce the monthly fee of YouTube TV by $15, from $64.99 to $49.99. On Sunday, however, YouTube raised its monthly fee to $64.99 and said that all affected users would receive a one-time discount of $15.

Incarm, a European agricultural technology startup, completed round D financing of 200 million US dollars.According to TechCrunch, this round of financing is led by Qatar Investment Authority (QIA). The last round of financing completed by the company last year was 170 million dollars. It is reported that at present, Infarm has accumulated a total financing amount of 600 million US dollars, with a valuation of 1 billion US dollars. The company plans to use a new round of funds to accelerate the pace of international expansion, targeting the United States, Canada, Japan and other parts of Europe. The company also plans to enter the Asia Pacific market and the Middle East in the next stage.

Australia and New Zealand

MoneyMe, an Australian digital credit company, plans to acquire SocietyOne, a P2P lending company.According to Startup Daily, MoneyMe, an Australian digital credit company, plans to acquire SocietyOne, an Australian P2P lending company, for A $132 million (about US $94 million) in order to increase revenue, customer base and profits. The two companies signed a merger agreement last week. MoneyMe shareholders will vote to approve the merger at the special shareholders' meeting on February 1 next year. The transaction is scheduled to be completed on March 15. MoneyMe is a digital credit business company that uses its technology platform (Horizon Technology Platform) and big data analysis to provide lenders with loan products. SocietyOne provides borrowers with personalized repayment plans with interest rates lower than those of major banks.

Whip Around, a New Zealand transport and maintenance technical service provider, completed a round B financing of US $14.27 million.According to Startup Daily, the investors in this round of financing are Punakaiki Fund and Amplo. The new funds will be used to accelerate the development of the platform and expand its product and engineering team in New Zealand. Whip Around, headquartered in New Zealand, was founded in 2016 to develop efficient and information rich solutions to address the compliance burden of transport companies.


Nigerian travel technology company Metro Africa Xpress Inc. (MAX) completed round B financing of $31 million.According to TechCrunch, this round of financing is led by Lightrock, with Global Ventures, Novastar Ventures and Proparco participating. MAX will use this fund to distribute Ghana and Egypt before the end of the first quarter of 2022, and enter the French speaking countries in Africa, eastern and southern African markets before the end of the same year. It is reported that MAX was established in 2015, initially providing motorcycle services, and then involved in taxi services, vehicle ordering and financing services.


Samsung began to produce chips for Tesla's next-generation autonomous computer.According to Sina Technology, in 2022, Samsung will not only release new products in the field of technology equipment (mobile phones, wearables, etc.), but also create new technology equipment specifically for the electric vehicle and autonomous vehicle market. At present, the company has started to produce new equipment, and the first batch of equipment will enter the market in the first week of January 2022. Tesla Cyberrock, which will be introduced to the market soon, will use Tesla's latest Hardware 4 computer for the first time.

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Cross border E-Commerce Logistics Sailing Daily | China's electric vehicles take advantage of green transformation to power the European market; YouTube TV Renews Contract with Disney

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