VR Theme Park virtual reality amusement park is the most popular concept of VR nowadays. It’s suitable for the shopping mall, amusement park, science museum, game center, theme park, water park, ect. It can be customized to different size, from 20 square to 1000 square meter.
Wider Matrix (GZ) Technology Co., Ltd., brand name as "VRway", was founded at 2016. Who provides high quality products for Virtual Reality experiences in the areas of: Education, Entertainment, Real Estate, Training and Travel.Our headquarter in Guangzhou,China. We design, develop, and sell types of VR game equipment such as: 9D vr egg chair, HTC walking platform, Gatling gunner, skiing warrior, spacecraft, 3/6 DOF racing car, HTC fighters, etc., VR content customization,AR racing machine, 4d/5d/7d cinema.
Wider Matrix (GZ) Technology Co., Ltd., brand name as "VRway", was founded at 2016. Who provides high quality products for Virtual Reality experiences in the areas of: Education, Entertainment, Real Estate, Training and Travel.Our headquarter in Guangzhou,China. We design, develop, and sell types of VR game equipment such as: 9D vr egg chair, HTC walking platform, Gatling gunner, skiing warrior, spacecraft, 3/6 DOF racing car, HTC fighters, etc., VR content customization,AR racing machine, 4d/5d/7d cinema.