Automotive electronics are distributed systems which can be classified into different types based on different domains like Engine Electronics, Transmission Electronics, Chassis Electronics, Passive Safety, Driver Assistance, Passenger Comfort, Entertainment Systems, Electronic, and Integrated Cockpit Systems. Engine Electronics
Seametal Co,Ltd.was established in 2013, our company is a professional manufacture & exporter of automotive accessory for famous brand cars,including full series of car sticker, car light, car universal accessory, car dedicated accessory and car ornament.
Although the company is not long, but in just two years time, the rapid development, rapid business growth, and achieved good results. The products are sold at home and abroad to European and American markets. And enjoy the high praise from domestic and foreign customers.
We believe that our client base is unique and is the most important element in our business structure. Quality is the most important part for the growth of a corporation. We will always strive to achieve long-lasting and successful relationships for the mutual benefit of all parties involved.