How to install two WeChat accounts on an Apple phone


Author:Chaopai Explorer

How to install two WeChat accounts on an Apple phone? This issue is of concern to many Apple users. By default, Apple phones can only install one WeChat account, but through some special methods, we can install two WeChat accounts on the same phone. Here are several feasible methods:

How to install two WeChat accounts on an Apple phone

Method 1: Install two WeChat accounts through jailbreak

Prison break refers to the use of technical means to free Apple devices from official restrictions and allow them to install third-party applications and plugins. By jailbreaking, we can install multiple WeChat accounts. The specific steps are as follows:

1. Download and install jailbreak tools on your computer, such as Pangu Prison Break, Tai Chi Prison Break, etc.

2. Connect the phone to the computer and follow the prompts of the tool to escape from prison.

After completing the prison break, download and install the second WeChat application on your phone.

4. Open the second WeChat application and log in using a WeChat account.

It should be noted that the jailbreak operation carries certain risks and instability, which may lead to equipment failures or system crashes. Therefore, before conducting a jailbreak operation, it is important to back up important data.

Method 2: Using third-party applications

In addition to jailbreaking, it is also possible to install two WeChat accounts by using third-party applications. These applications can be downloaded and installed in the App Store. The specific steps are as follows:

How to install two WeChat accounts on an Apple phone

1. Search for and download "Multi Opener" or similar third-party applications in the App Store.

2. Open the multi switch application, find WeChat in it, and add it to the multi switch.

3. Repeat the above steps to add a second WeChat application.

4. Open two WeChat applications and log in using a WeChat account.

It should be noted that using third-party applications may pose certain security risks and instability. Therefore, before use, it is important to confirm the safety and stability of the application.

Method 3: Use WeChat avatar function

The WeChat avatar function is an official feature provided by WeChat, which allows users to log in to multiple WeChat accounts simultaneously on the same phone. The specific steps are as follows:

1. Open the WeChat application on your phone.

2. Slide the screen up at the bottom of the WeChat main interface to bring up a multitasking window.

3. Click on the "split screen" icon to enter the WeChat split screen interface.

4. In the avatar interface, click the "+" symbol to add a second WeChat account.

How to install two WeChat accounts on an Apple phone

After logging in to the second WeChat account, you can use both WeChat accounts simultaneously in the avatar interface.

It should be noted that using the WeChat split feature requires activating the phone's split screen function. Therefore, before use, please ensure that the phone supports the split screen function and has it enabled.

In summary, Apple phones can install two WeChat accounts by jailbreaking, using third-party applications, and utilizing WeChat avatar functionality. It should be noted that different methods have different risks and instability. Please choose the appropriate method based on personal needs and actual situation.

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