How to find Amazon BSR? What it means for sellers


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

How can cross-border e-commerce find Amazon BSR? What it means for sellers

Best Sellers Rank(BSR) YesAmazonA tool that ranks all products according to the number of buyers.Amazon BSRLet the seller knowAmazonThe most popular products of consumers.

Many shoppers will look directlyAmazon BSRAnd then buy the best selling products. In fact, Amazon BSR is not only useful for shoppers, but also a good Amazon seller tool.

1、 AmazonWhat is BSR?

Blue Ocean Yiguan has learned that,AmazonThere are dozensProduct CategoryAnd thousands of childrenCategory。 Amazon will check the sameCategorywithinHistorical sales performance of all products, andRank #1Rank firstRank at the lowest level of sales.

Amazonproduct's ranking is updated hourly to reflect the recent and historical sales of each item on Amazon. The higher the sales volume, the higher the sales ranking.

For example,according tosellgo's report,In the "Cellphones&AccessoriessMobile phones and accessories "CategoryNext,sureIt is seen that the product ranked first in sales volume is "Ailun Glass Screen Protector".

This means that in "mobile phones and accessories"CategoryOf all productsThis productyeslatelyHighest salesof In the next hour, the ranking of the product may decline according to its sales performance.

How can b2b find Amazon BSR? What it means for sellers

IIHow to find Amazon BSR?

Amazon's BSR systemaccording toEach product in a specificCategoryRecent and historical sales performance inRank Amazon products

There are two ways to find Amazon's BSR.

1. The first method is through Amazon'sBest SellersThe seller can access the Best Sellers page through Amazon's homepage.

(1) Just log in to Amazon. com, find the taskbar at the top left of the page, and click "Best Sellers".

(2) Then, just select the product category that the seller wants to browse, and a new page of top products will appear.

How can cross-border e-commerce find Amazon BSR? What it means for sellers

2. The second way to find BSR is through the product page.

(1) Find any products that Amazon sellers want to research and click on the product page.

(2) Then, scroll down to product information.

(3) There, Amazon sellers will find a small table, one of which is "Best Sellers Rank", as well as the product ranking and the product category it ranks.

How can Seagoing find Amazon BSR? What it means for sellers

IIIAmazon BSRWhat does it mean for sellers?

As an Amazon seller, there are two good ways to use Amazon BSR.

1. Expand inventory

The most direct benefit is that sellers can find new products sold on Amazon.

Amazon's BSR shows sellers' most popular products on Amazon. This means that these products have high sales potential and are sought after by online shoppers.

Higher sales also mean more reviews and higher scores, which also plays a role in Amazon's sales ranking. Sellers who need new products and high demand products can use Amazon's BSR as a good starting point.

2. Look for competitors

By viewing the BSR product page, the seller can see the Amazon seller who sells each product, which products are sold by Amazon, and how many competitors are looking for and selling BSR.

Even if the seller does not want to sell the same product as other sellers, the sales ranking will show the insight of a competitor's sales strategy.According to Blue Ocean Yiguan,AmazonSellers can use BSR to observe the competition, determine different strategies, and then improve their Amazon strategies.

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