Amazon seller's goods were abandoned without CE mark!


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

Shipgoing Amazon seller's goods were abandoned without CE mark!

Recently, a seller reported that he had stopped selling a batch of goods because he did not have the CE mark.

"About a month later, I was ready to go to the overseas warehouse to change the label. When I opened the inventory, I found that all the goods had been discarded by Amazon." The seller said helplessly.

It is understood that the seller has not received any official notification from Amazon before this.

In addition, the seller also revealed that there were more than 1000 pieces of discarded inventory, and he is now trying to find Amazon for compensation.

Other sellers and insiders have expressed their views on whether the seller can recover his inventory

A seller said that, under normal circumstances, the email sent by Amazon will tell the seller that there is a 30 day complaint period. If there is no lawsuit, the goods will be discarded by Amazon, and after being destroyed by Amazon, a certain processing fee will be paid.

A seller thinks that your goods may not be recovered. Maybe Amazon has donated your products to other regions.

"This phenomenon can only be said to be caused by your own operational mistakes. From the point where the goods are not available for sale to the point where they are removed, the seller should make preparations. For example, while opening a case to get in touch with Amazon customer service to explain the situation, the seller should find an overseas warehouse to remove the goods." An insider said.

In general, if a product with CE mark enters Amazon Europe for sales, it means that the product meets the safety standards of EU countries.

If the product does not have the CE mark, it means that the product will not be able to enter the Amazon warehouse or sell on the platform.

Which products need CE mark?

Although some sellers continue to report that their products cannot be sold due to problems such as CE certification, this does not mean that all products entering Europe need CE certification.

Generally, children's toys, electronic products, personal protective equipment, medical devices and other products need CE certification.

Therefore, if domestic sellers operate Amazon Europe, they should prepare for CE certification in advance to avoid damage to their own interests.

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